[GSoC] Comments in Sidebar Deck: Weekly Update

Mohit Marathe mohitmarathe at proton.me
Wed Aug 7 13:09:11 UTC 2024

Hello everyone,

In the last week I couldn't do much due to college.
I implemented a method to retrieve reference comment to
show on the top of the thread. For that, I needed to get
the anchor position of the root comment from which I get 
the text node which contains the reference text. And 
finally with the help of MarkManager I got the text range
of the reference text.

After that, I started working on creating a custom widget,
which should be circle in shape, contains a text and has a
color (preferably customizable). For that, I linked it to a
`GtkDrawingArea`, got the `OutputDevice` from that so that I
can use `OutputDevice::DrawEllipse` to draw a circle on the 
drawing area. But I guess I'm implementing the `Paint` method
wrongly. I'm a bit clueless here. So I switched to working on 
something else for the time being.

This week I'm working on implementing connectors and keyboard
navigation for comments panel.


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