Help with adding HIDs to UI components

Michael Weghorn m.weghorn at
Thu Aug 8 08:32:20 UTC 2024

On 2024-08-05 20:54, Dione Maddern wrote:
> Hi all. I'm part of the Documentation team, currently working on the 
> Offline Help for LibreOffice. I've noticed that a number of components 
> in the the UI have missing or wrong HIDs (E.g. Bug 159505 
> ( This makes 
> it impossible to link them to the correct Help page. As a result there 
> are a number of Documentation bugs that we can't address.
> The problem seems to mainly affect the Menu Bar, which seems to work a 
> little differently from other parts of the UI. I gather that adding the 
> HIDs would involve editing the source code for the relevant component.
> Would somebody be willing to show me how to find the right files and add 
> the HIDs?

I don't have much experience with help IDs, but 
`weld::Menu::set_item_help_id` (see include/vcl/weld.hxx) and 
`Menu::SetHelpId` (see `include/vcl/menu.hxx`) look related.

For example, for the second case (Window > "Document Name") from 
tdf#159505, `WindowListMenuController::itemActivated` looks like the 
place where the menu entry is inserted: [1]

So maybe, adding a

     pVCLMenu->SetHelpId(nItemId, THE_PROPER_HELP_ID);

with the proper help ID after that is what's needed?

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