Help with .NET UNO Bridges for LibreOffice

Ritobroto Mukherjee ritobroto04 at
Fri Aug 16 15:04:08 UTC 2024

> (though I can't remember how LO's URP implementations compute those
globally unique TIDs; one would need to look into the code)

I'd have to recheck too but I believe it uses a combination of the OS
thread and process IDs.

> Yeah, async messages complicate the picture somewhat.  In olden
times, UNO had a concept of [oneway] interface methods (that had to
have a void return type, and don't do a response message over URP, and
can be executed on top of another synchronous execution job that is
currently calling out to another environment and is thus blocked
waiting for a response).  But today, the only remaining async operation
in URP is the XInterface release operation

Got it, and once thank you for the links.

Best regards,

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