RTF import bug & info

Mike Kaganski mikekaganski at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 16 16:53:54 UTC 2024

On 16.08.2024 21:52, Al wrote:
> On Mon, 2024-08-12 at 16:18 -0400, Al Schapira wrote:
>> With reference to libreoffice bug 162342 ("RTF input fails to honor
>> \marg[lrtb]N commands when a \page command is added")
>> On Tue, 2024-08-13 at 10:44 +0500, Mike Kaganski wrote:
>> Regarding import, you may start at the heart of RTF keyword dispatch
>> method, RTFTokenizer::dispatchKeyword:
>> https://opengrok.libreoffice.org/xref/core/sw/source/writerfilter/rtftok/rtftokenizer.cxx?r=246ef0b8#261
> Thanks for the pointer, Mike.  I think this is way too deep to be
> relevant to the afore mentioned bug.  The problem rtf file renders
> correctly in libreoffice under windows 10.0, but fails to
> render margins correctly in LibreOffice 60(Build:2) in fedora
> 39 & 40.
> So what in rtf import code might differ between these environments?
> Where should I look for OS dependencies that might affect rtf import?



Best regards,

Mike Kaganski

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