RTF import bug & info

Al Schapira a_schapira at verizon.net
Sat Aug 17 15:34:33 UTC 2024

On Sat, 2024-08-17 at 09:29 -0400, Justin Luth wrote:
> I don't think you read the information on
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/QA/Bibisect very closely. Go back
> to that and understand it.
> especially Watch Effective Bisection and Bibisection (Matthew
> Francis's talk at LibOCon 2015 on YouTube) for both an introduction,
> and practical details. 
> Justin
This is not a helpful message. Its like RTFM.

I am not a developer or bug fixer of LO nor do I want to be. I simply
want to provide as much information as I can to the appropriate parties
so that this bug can be fixed asap.

With the help of Mike and David, I learned just enough about  bibisect
to narrow the introduction of the bug down.  I hope that helps gets it
fixed.  That is all.


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