Firebird not experimental

Ilmari Lauhakangas ilmari.lauhakangas at
Tue Aug 27 07:32:51 UTC 2024

On 27.8.2024 0.28, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
> Hola Juan,
> Juan C. Sanz wrote:
>> In considering the above, I propose to the ESC (or whomever it may concern):
>>   * Take Firebird out of experimental mode. Although it is not strictly
>>     necessary for it to be the default database, I think it would be
>>     preferable.
>>   * Decouple HSQLDB migration from the existence or not of Firebird.
>>   * Support and promote the use of Base as well as assist the
>>     development of Base into a reliable and modern database (support
>>     this long overdue bidding process).
> The general idea is a good one IMO.
> But please be aware that the ESC does not command any development
> resources, but instead is a group of peers discussing the technical
> status of the project (and sometimes manages to find volunteers to
> work on critical bugs).
> So asking the ESC to 'assist the development of Base into a reliable
> and modern database' is likely not going to get us very far. What
> could help, is drafting an ESC tender proposal in the wiki, with what
> you have in mind (if it can be sufficiently narrowed-down to be costed
> & tendered). Tendering from TDF though is still stalled indefinitely,
> so that also might need some patience.
> As often in FOSS land, your best bet to get stuff done - is starting
> the work yourself! ;)

Firebird improvements were accepted for TDF's 2023 budget, but are not 
in the current budget. As Sophie posted to board-discuss recently, the 
procurement policy is currently finalised. New tenders can, pending 
board approval, likely be considered for next year's budget then.


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