Help with XImplementationLoader for .NET Bindings

Ritobroto Mukherjee ritobroto04 at
Tue Aug 27 15:56:46 UTC 2024

Hello everyone,

I hope this email finds you well.
As we approach the conclusion of GSoC 2024, one of the last challenges
to tackle for the native UNO bridge for .NET is adding an
XImplementationLoader to allow loading components written in .NET from
the rest of UNO. However, I'm a bit uncertain about the specific areas
within the codebase where changes need to be made.

While this question is mainly directed to Mr. Stephan Bergmann, given
his expertise with UNO and bridging code, I would greatly appreciate
any insights or advice from others on this mailing list as well.

Based on my current understanding, the steps involved are:
1. Adding an IDL file for
2. Creating a C++ implementation of css.loader.Dotnet in the stoc/
module along with a .component file, similar to stoc/source/javaloader.
3. Modifying dp_component.cxx and dp_package.cxx in the desktop/ module
to support css.loader.Dotnet (I believe this is for .oxt support?).
4. Adding css.loader.Dotnet support to cpputools/source/unoexe.cxx for
the UNO executable runner.

Could you please let me know if these steps are sufficient? Are there
any additional changes that need to be made?
Thank you in advance for your help and guidance.

Best regards,

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