Firebird not experimental

Alexander Thurgood alex.thurgood at
Wed Aug 28 11:26:44 UTC 2024

Le 28/08/2024 à 11:39, Ilmari Lauhakangas a écrit :

Thanks Ilmari, I knew I had seen something somewhere, but couldn't for 
the life of me remember where !



> Yes it does. Quoting from my reply to you in 2022 on board-discuss:
> seems the problem existed before Aug 2016, but not anymore. See https:// 
> and comment 17 
> which refer to 
> commit/0cc1ddf2d8d6bc7df74fdd8f8f97381df681177d
> Quoting from Lionel's comment 17:
> 'The problem was fixed by saving (within the odb zip structure) firebird 
> data in an endianess-independent format, called the "backup" format, in 
> a file with extension ".fbk".'

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