ESC meeting minutes: 2024-08-29

khagaroth khagaroth at
Sat Aug 31 17:12:04 UTC 2024

Ignoring the subjectively ugly look (thankfully not as ugly and buggy as it
was before the fixes). This change just replaced obscuring inner content
with obscuring content of surrounding cells, so I would not call it much of
an improvement, if any. It should behave the same way as MSO and just
highlight the existing grid lines and not obscure anything.

On Thu, Aug 29, 2024 at 4:53 PM Miklos Vajna <vmiklos at> wrote:

> * Cell indicator in 24.8 branch (Xisco)
>    + Summary:
>    + two topics: comment indicator and focus rectangle; no revert please
> (Heiko)
>    + the fear is that what's there in 24.8 is half-done (Xisco)
>    + comments are mixed (Ilmari)
>      + some people like what's in master
>      + just today 2 commits were backported
>      + one more patch to merge to 24-8, would be ideal even on 24-8-1
>    + the issue is quite old, the focus rectangle of a cell was painted
> inside the cell (Heiko)
>      + then tried outside the cell to not cover content
>      + design team suggestion was: push it to the release, see what the
> wider community likes
>      + meanwhile Rafael improved this, seems people are happy with the
> current state
>      + hope the problem is fixed
>      + would like to avoid adding more options for this
>      + would be good to wait, collect input and not just revert quickly
>    + do you support backporting the relevant changes from master? (Ilmari)
>      + like it (Heiko)
>    + fine with this, just good to not experiment on release branches
> (Xisco)+
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