New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
scan-admin at
scan-admin at
Fri Feb 9 10:41:57 UTC 2024
Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to LibreOffice found with Coverity Scan.
10 new defect(s) introduced to LibreOffice found with Coverity Scan.
8 defect(s), reported by Coverity Scan earlier, were marked fixed in the recent build analyzed by Coverity Scan.
New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
Showing 10 of 10 defect(s)
/chart2/source/controller/main/ChartController_Insert.cxx: 611 in chart::ChartController::executeDispatch_InsertErrorBars(bool)()
/chart2/source/controller/main/ChartController_Insert.cxx: 572 in chart::ChartController::executeDispatch_InsertErrorBars(bool)()
/chart2/source/controller/main/ChartController_Insert.cxx: 611 in chart::ChartController::executeDispatch_InsertErrorBars(bool)()
605 getChartModel(),
606 bYError ? ErrorBarResources::ERROR_BAR_Y : ErrorBarResources::ERROR_BAR_X);
608 aDlg->SetAxisMinorStepWidthForErrorBarDecimals(
609 InsertErrorBarsDialog::getAxisMinorStepWidthForErrorBarDecimals( getChartModel(), m_xChartView, u"" ) );
>>> "aUndoGuard" is copied in call to copy constructor "std::shared_ptr<chart::UndoGuard>", when it could be moved instead.
611 weld::DialogController::runAsync(aDlg, [this, aDlg, aItemConverter, aUndoGuard](int nResult) {
612 if ( nResult == RET_OK )
613 {
614 SfxItemSet aOutItemSet = aItemConverter->CreateEmptyItemSet();
615 aDlg->FillItemSet( aOutItemSet );
/chart2/source/controller/main/ChartController_Insert.cxx: 572 in chart::ChartController::executeDispatch_InsertErrorBars(bool)()
566 aDlg->SetAxisMinorStepWidthForErrorBarDecimals(
567 InsertErrorBarsDialog::getAxisMinorStepWidthForErrorBarDecimals( getChartModel(),
568 m_xChartView, m_aSelection.getSelectedCID()));
570 // note: when a user pressed "OK" but didn't change any settings in the
571 // dialog, the SfxTabDialog returns "Cancel"
>>> "aUndoGuard" is copied in call to copy constructor "std::shared_ptr<chart::UndoLiveUpdateGuard>", when it could be moved instead.
572 SfxTabDialogController::runAsync(aDlg, [this, aDlg, aItemConverter, aUndoGuard](int nResult) {
573 if ( nResult == RET_OK || aDlg->DialogWasClosedWithOK() )
574 {
575 const SfxItemSet* pOutItemSet = aDlg->GetOutputItemSet();
576 if( pOutItemSet )
577 {
** CID 1591768: Performance inefficiencies (COPY_INSTEAD_OF_MOVE)
/chart2/source/controller/main/ChartController_Insert.cxx: 291 in chart::ChartController::executeDispatch_InsertTitles()()
*** CID 1591768: Performance inefficiencies (COPY_INSTEAD_OF_MOVE)
/chart2/source/controller/main/ChartController_Insert.cxx: 291 in chart::ChartController::executeDispatch_InsertTitles()()
285 {
286 auto aDialogInput = std::make_shared<TitleDialogData>();
287 aDialogInput->readFromModel( getChartModel() );
289 SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
290 auto aDlg = std::make_shared<SchTitleDlg>(GetChartFrame(), *aDialogInput);
>>> CID 1591768: Performance inefficiencies (COPY_INSTEAD_OF_MOVE)
>>> "aUndoGuard" is copied in call to copy constructor "std::shared_ptr<chart::UndoGuard>", when it could be moved instead.
291 weld::DialogController::runAsync(aDlg, [this, aDlg, aDialogInput, aUndoGuard](int nResult){
292 if ( nResult == RET_OK )
293 {
294 // lock controllers till end of block
295 ControllerLockGuardUNO aCLGuard( getChartModel() );
296 TitleDialogData aDialogOutput( impl_createReferenceSizeProvider() );
** CID 1591767: (UNINIT_CTOR)
/sc/source/core/data/queryiter.cxx: 79 in ScQueryCellIteratorBase<(ScQueryCellIteratorAccess)1, (ScQueryCellIteratorType)0>::ScQueryCellIteratorBase(ScDocument &, ScInterpreterContext &, short, const ScQueryParam &, bool, bool)()
/sc/source/core/data/queryiter.cxx: 79 in ScQueryCellIteratorBase<(ScQueryCellIteratorAccess)0, (ScQueryCellIteratorType)1>::ScQueryCellIteratorBase(ScDocument &, ScInterpreterContext &, short, const ScQueryParam &, bool, bool)()
/sc/source/core/data/queryiter.cxx: 79 in ScQueryCellIteratorBase<(ScQueryCellIteratorAccess)0, (ScQueryCellIteratorType)0>::ScQueryCellIteratorBase(ScDocument &, ScInterpreterContext &, short, const ScQueryParam &, bool, bool)()
/sc/source/core/data/queryiter.cxx: 91 in ScQueryCellIteratorBase<(ScQueryCellIteratorAccess)1, (ScQueryCellIteratorType)1>::ScQueryCellIteratorBase(ScDocument &, ScInterpreterContext &, short, const ScQueryParam &, bool, bool)()
/sc/source/core/data/queryiter.cxx: 91 in ScQueryCellIteratorBase<(ScQueryCellIteratorAccess)0, (ScQueryCellIteratorType)0>::ScQueryCellIteratorBase(ScDocument &, ScInterpreterContext &, short, const ScQueryParam &, bool, bool)()
/sc/source/core/data/queryiter.cxx: 91 in ScQueryCellIteratorBase<(ScQueryCellIteratorAccess)1, (ScQueryCellIteratorType)0>::ScQueryCellIteratorBase(ScDocument &, ScInterpreterContext &, short, const ScQueryParam &, bool, bool)()
/sc/source/core/data/queryiter.cxx: 91 in ScQueryCellIteratorBase<(ScQueryCellIteratorAccess)0, (ScQueryCellIteratorType)1>::ScQueryCellIteratorBase(ScDocument &, ScInterpreterContext &, short, const ScQueryParam &, bool, bool)()
/sc/source/core/data/queryiter.cxx: 79 in ScQueryCellIteratorBase<(ScQueryCellIteratorAccess)1, (ScQueryCellIteratorType)1>::ScQueryCellIteratorBase(ScDocument &, ScInterpreterContext &, short, const ScQueryParam &, bool, bool)()
*** CID 1591767: (UNINIT_CTOR)
/sc/source/core/data/queryiter.cxx: 79 in ScQueryCellIteratorBase<(ScQueryCellIteratorAccess)1, (ScQueryCellIteratorType)0>::ScQueryCellIteratorBase(ScDocument &, ScInterpreterContext &, short, const ScQueryParam &, bool, bool)()
73 {
74 nTab = nTable;
75 nCol = !bReverse ? maParam.nCol1 : maParam.nCol2;
76 nRow = !bReverse ? maParam.nRow1 : maParam.nRow2;
77 SCSIZE i;
78 if (!bMod) // Or else it's already inserted
>>> CID 1591767: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "bSortedBinarySearch" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
79 return;
81 SCSIZE nCount = maParam.GetEntryCount();
82 for (i = 0; (i < nCount) && (maParam.GetEntry(i).bDoQuery); ++i)
83 {
84 ScQueryEntry& rEntry = maParam.GetEntry(i);
/sc/source/core/data/queryiter.cxx: 79 in ScQueryCellIteratorBase<(ScQueryCellIteratorAccess)0, (ScQueryCellIteratorType)1>::ScQueryCellIteratorBase(ScDocument &, ScInterpreterContext &, short, const ScQueryParam &, bool, bool)()
73 {
74 nTab = nTable;
75 nCol = !bReverse ? maParam.nCol1 : maParam.nCol2;
76 nRow = !bReverse ? maParam.nRow1 : maParam.nRow2;
77 SCSIZE i;
78 if (!bMod) // Or else it's already inserted
>>> CID 1591767: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "bSortedBinarySearch" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
79 return;
81 SCSIZE nCount = maParam.GetEntryCount();
82 for (i = 0; (i < nCount) && (maParam.GetEntry(i).bDoQuery); ++i)
83 {
84 ScQueryEntry& rEntry = maParam.GetEntry(i);
/sc/source/core/data/queryiter.cxx: 79 in ScQueryCellIteratorBase<(ScQueryCellIteratorAccess)0, (ScQueryCellIteratorType)0>::ScQueryCellIteratorBase(ScDocument &, ScInterpreterContext &, short, const ScQueryParam &, bool, bool)()
73 {
74 nTab = nTable;
75 nCol = !bReverse ? maParam.nCol1 : maParam.nCol2;
76 nRow = !bReverse ? maParam.nRow1 : maParam.nRow2;
77 SCSIZE i;
78 if (!bMod) // Or else it's already inserted
>>> CID 1591767: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "bSortedBinarySearch" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
79 return;
81 SCSIZE nCount = maParam.GetEntryCount();
82 for (i = 0; (i < nCount) && (maParam.GetEntry(i).bDoQuery); ++i)
83 {
84 ScQueryEntry& rEntry = maParam.GetEntry(i);
/sc/source/core/data/queryiter.cxx: 91 in ScQueryCellIteratorBase<(ScQueryCellIteratorAccess)1, (ScQueryCellIteratorType)1>::ScQueryCellIteratorBase(ScDocument &, ScInterpreterContext &, short, const ScQueryParam &, bool, bool)()
85 ScQueryEntry::Item& rItem = rEntry.GetQueryItem();
86 sal_uInt32 nIndex = 0;
87 bool bNumber = mrContext.GetFormatTable()->IsNumberFormat(
88 rItem.maString.getString(), nIndex, rItem.mfVal);
89 rItem.meType = bNumber ? ScQueryEntry::ByValue : ScQueryEntry::ByString;
90 }
>>> CID 1591767: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "bSortedBinarySearch" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
91 }
93 template< ScQueryCellIteratorAccess accessType, ScQueryCellIteratorType queryType >
94 void ScQueryCellIteratorBase< accessType, queryType >::PerformQuery()
95 {
96 assert(nTab < rDoc.GetTableCount() && "index out of bounds, FIX IT");
/sc/source/core/data/queryiter.cxx: 91 in ScQueryCellIteratorBase<(ScQueryCellIteratorAccess)0, (ScQueryCellIteratorType)0>::ScQueryCellIteratorBase(ScDocument &, ScInterpreterContext &, short, const ScQueryParam &, bool, bool)()
85 ScQueryEntry::Item& rItem = rEntry.GetQueryItem();
86 sal_uInt32 nIndex = 0;
87 bool bNumber = mrContext.GetFormatTable()->IsNumberFormat(
88 rItem.maString.getString(), nIndex, rItem.mfVal);
89 rItem.meType = bNumber ? ScQueryEntry::ByValue : ScQueryEntry::ByString;
90 }
>>> CID 1591767: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "bSortedBinarySearch" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
91 }
93 template< ScQueryCellIteratorAccess accessType, ScQueryCellIteratorType queryType >
94 void ScQueryCellIteratorBase< accessType, queryType >::PerformQuery()
95 {
96 assert(nTab < rDoc.GetTableCount() && "index out of bounds, FIX IT");
/sc/source/core/data/queryiter.cxx: 91 in ScQueryCellIteratorBase<(ScQueryCellIteratorAccess)1, (ScQueryCellIteratorType)0>::ScQueryCellIteratorBase(ScDocument &, ScInterpreterContext &, short, const ScQueryParam &, bool, bool)()
85 ScQueryEntry::Item& rItem = rEntry.GetQueryItem();
86 sal_uInt32 nIndex = 0;
87 bool bNumber = mrContext.GetFormatTable()->IsNumberFormat(
88 rItem.maString.getString(), nIndex, rItem.mfVal);
89 rItem.meType = bNumber ? ScQueryEntry::ByValue : ScQueryEntry::ByString;
90 }
>>> CID 1591767: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "bSortedBinarySearch" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
91 }
93 template< ScQueryCellIteratorAccess accessType, ScQueryCellIteratorType queryType >
94 void ScQueryCellIteratorBase< accessType, queryType >::PerformQuery()
95 {
96 assert(nTab < rDoc.GetTableCount() && "index out of bounds, FIX IT");
/sc/source/core/data/queryiter.cxx: 91 in ScQueryCellIteratorBase<(ScQueryCellIteratorAccess)0, (ScQueryCellIteratorType)1>::ScQueryCellIteratorBase(ScDocument &, ScInterpreterContext &, short, const ScQueryParam &, bool, bool)()
85 ScQueryEntry::Item& rItem = rEntry.GetQueryItem();
86 sal_uInt32 nIndex = 0;
87 bool bNumber = mrContext.GetFormatTable()->IsNumberFormat(
88 rItem.maString.getString(), nIndex, rItem.mfVal);
89 rItem.meType = bNumber ? ScQueryEntry::ByValue : ScQueryEntry::ByString;
90 }
>>> CID 1591767: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "bSortedBinarySearch" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
91 }
93 template< ScQueryCellIteratorAccess accessType, ScQueryCellIteratorType queryType >
94 void ScQueryCellIteratorBase< accessType, queryType >::PerformQuery()
95 {
96 assert(nTab < rDoc.GetTableCount() && "index out of bounds, FIX IT");
/sc/source/core/data/queryiter.cxx: 79 in ScQueryCellIteratorBase<(ScQueryCellIteratorAccess)1, (ScQueryCellIteratorType)1>::ScQueryCellIteratorBase(ScDocument &, ScInterpreterContext &, short, const ScQueryParam &, bool, bool)()
73 {
74 nTab = nTable;
75 nCol = !bReverse ? maParam.nCol1 : maParam.nCol2;
76 nRow = !bReverse ? maParam.nRow1 : maParam.nRow2;
77 SCSIZE i;
78 if (!bMod) // Or else it's already inserted
>>> CID 1591767: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "bSortedBinarySearch" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
79 return;
81 SCSIZE nCount = maParam.GetEntryCount();
82 for (i = 0; (i < nCount) && (maParam.GetEntry(i).bDoQuery); ++i)
83 {
84 ScQueryEntry& rEntry = maParam.GetEntry(i);
** CID 1591766: Performance inefficiencies (COPY_INSTEAD_OF_MOVE)
/sc/source/ui/view/hintwin.cxx: 157 in ScOverlayHint::createOverlaySequence(int, int, const MapMode &, basegfx::B2DRange &) const()
*** CID 1591766: Performance inefficiencies (COPY_INSTEAD_OF_MOVE)
/sc/source/ui/view/hintwin.cxx: 157 in ScOverlayHint::createOverlaySequence(int, int, const MapMode &, basegfx::B2DRange &) const()
152 basegfx::BColor aBorderColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
153 drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DReference aBorder(
154 new drawinglayer::primitive2d::PolygonHairlinePrimitive2D(
155 std::move(aPoly), aBorderColor));
>>> CID 1591766: Performance inefficiencies (COPY_INSTEAD_OF_MOVE)
>>> "aBg" is copied in a call to copy assignment "operator =", when it could be moved instead.
157 aSeq[0] = aBg;
158 aSeq[1] = aBorder;
160 return aSeq;
161 }
** CID 1591765: Performance inefficiencies (COPY_INSTEAD_OF_MOVE)
/sc/source/ui/view/hintwin.cxx: 158 in ScOverlayHint::createOverlaySequence(int, int, const MapMode &, basegfx::B2DRange &) const()
*** CID 1591765: Performance inefficiencies (COPY_INSTEAD_OF_MOVE)
/sc/source/ui/view/hintwin.cxx: 158 in ScOverlayHint::createOverlaySequence(int, int, const MapMode &, basegfx::B2DRange &) const()
152 basegfx::BColor aBorderColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
153 drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DReference aBorder(
154 new drawinglayer::primitive2d::PolygonHairlinePrimitive2D(
155 std::move(aPoly), aBorderColor));
157 aSeq[0] = aBg;
>>> CID 1591765: Performance inefficiencies (COPY_INSTEAD_OF_MOVE)
>>> "aBorder" is copied in a call to copy assignment "operator =", when it could be moved instead.
158 aSeq[1] = aBorder;
160 return aSeq;
161 }
163 drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer ScOverlayHint::createOverlayObjectPrimitive2DSequence()
** CID 1591764: (USE_AFTER_FREE)
/sc/source/core/data/column2.cxx: 1075 in ScColumn::GetOptimalHeight(sc::RowHeightContext &, int, int, unsigned short, int)()
/sc/source/core/data/column2.cxx: 1075 in ScColumn::GetOptimalHeight(sc::RowHeightContext &, int, int, unsigned short, int)()
*** CID 1591764: (USE_AFTER_FREE)
/sc/source/core/data/column2.cxx: 1075 in ScColumn::GetOptimalHeight(sc::RowHeightContext &, int, int, unsigned short, int)()
1069 {
1070 // only calculate the cell height when it's used later (#37928#)
1072 if (rCxt.isForceAutoSize() || !(rDocument.GetRowFlags(nRow, nTab) & CRFlags::ManualSize) )
1073 {
1074 aOptions.aPattern.setScPatternAttr(pPattern);
>>> CID 1591764: (USE_AFTER_FREE)
>>> Calling "setScPatternAttr" frees pointer "aOldPattern.mpScPatternAttr" which has already been freed.
1075 aOldPattern.setScPatternAttr(pPattern);
1076 sal_uInt16 nHeight = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(
1077 std::min(
1078 GetNeededSize( nRow, rCxt.getOutputDevice(), rCxt.getPPTX(), rCxt.getPPTY(),
1079 rCxt.getZoomX(), rCxt.getZoomY(), false, aOptions,
1080 &pPattern) / rCxt.getPPTY(),
/sc/source/core/data/column2.cxx: 1075 in ScColumn::GetOptimalHeight(sc::RowHeightContext &, int, int, unsigned short, int)()
1069 {
1070 // only calculate the cell height when it's used later (#37928#)
1072 if (rCxt.isForceAutoSize() || !(rDocument.GetRowFlags(nRow, nTab) & CRFlags::ManualSize) )
1073 {
1074 aOptions.aPattern.setScPatternAttr(pPattern);
>>> CID 1591764: (USE_AFTER_FREE)
>>> Calling "setScPatternAttr" frees pointer "aOldPattern.mpScPatternAttr" which has already been freed.
1075 aOldPattern.setScPatternAttr(pPattern);
1076 sal_uInt16 nHeight = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(
1077 std::min(
1078 GetNeededSize( nRow, rCxt.getOutputDevice(), rCxt.getPPTX(), rCxt.getPPTY(),
1079 rCxt.getZoomX(), rCxt.getZoomY(), false, aOptions,
1080 &pPattern) / rCxt.getPPTY(),
** CID 1591763: Performance inefficiencies (COPY_INSTEAD_OF_MOVE)
/chart2/source/controller/main/ChartController_Insert.cxx: 510 in chart::ChartController::executeDispatch_InsertTrendline()()
*** CID 1591763: Performance inefficiencies (COPY_INSTEAD_OF_MOVE)
/chart2/source/controller/main/ChartController_Insert.cxx: 510 in chart::ChartController::executeDispatch_InsertTrendline()()
504 SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
505 auto aDialog = std::make_shared<SchAttribTabDlg>(GetChartFrame(), &aItemSet, &aDialogParameter,
506 &aViewElementListProvider, getChartModel());
508 // note: when a user pressed "OK" but didn't change any settings in the
509 // dialog, the SfxTabDialog returns "Cancel"
>>> CID 1591763: Performance inefficiencies (COPY_INSTEAD_OF_MOVE)
>>> "aUndoGuard" is copied in call to copy constructor "std::shared_ptr<chart::UndoLiveUpdateGuard>", when it could be moved instead.
510 SfxTabDialogController::runAsync(aDialog, [this, aDialog, aItemConverter, aUndoGuard](int nResult) {
511 if ( nResult == RET_OK || aDialog->DialogWasClosedWithOK() )
512 {
513 const SfxItemSet* pOutItemSet = aDialog->GetOutputItemSet();
514 if( pOutItemSet )
515 {
** CID 1591762: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/usr/include/c++/12/bits/shared_ptr_base.h: 611 in std::_Sp_counted_ptr_inplace<chart::UndoLiveUpdateGuard, std::allocator<void>, (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>::_M_dispose()()
*** CID 1591762: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/usr/include/c++/12/bits/shared_ptr_base.h: 611 in std::_Sp_counted_ptr_inplace<chart::UndoLiveUpdateGuard, std::allocator<void>, (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>::_M_dispose()()
605 std::forward<_Args>(__args)...); // might throw
606 }
608 ~_Sp_counted_ptr_inplace() noexcept { }
610 virtual void
>>> CID 1591762: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "std::out_of_range" is thrown but the exception specification "noexcept" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will result in a call to terminate().
611 _M_dispose() noexcept
612 {
613 allocator_traits<_Alloc>::destroy(_M_impl._M_alloc(), _M_ptr());
614 }
616 // Override because the allocator needs to know the dynamic type
** CID 1591761: Performance inefficiencies (COPY_INSTEAD_OF_MOVE)
/chart2/source/controller/main/ChartController_Insert.cxx: 107 in chart::ChartController::executeDispatch_InsertAxes()()
*** CID 1591761: Performance inefficiencies (COPY_INSTEAD_OF_MOVE)
/chart2/source/controller/main/ChartController_Insert.cxx: 107 in chart::ChartController::executeDispatch_InsertAxes()()
101 rtl::Reference< Diagram > xDiagram = getFirstDiagram();
102 AxisHelper::getAxisOrGridExistence( aDialogInput->aExistenceList, xDiagram );
103 AxisHelper::getAxisOrGridPossibilities( aDialogInput->aPossibilityList, xDiagram );
105 SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
106 auto aDlg = std::make_shared<SchAxisDlg>(GetChartFrame(), *aDialogInput);
>>> CID 1591761: Performance inefficiencies (COPY_INSTEAD_OF_MOVE)
>>> "aUndoGuard" is copied in call to copy constructor "std::shared_ptr<chart::UndoGuard>", when it could be moved instead.
107 weld::DialogController::runAsync(aDlg, [this, aDlg, aDialogInput, aUndoGuard](int nResult) {
108 if ( nResult == RET_OK )
109 {
110 // lock controllers till end of block
111 ControllerLockGuardUNO aCLGuard( getChartModel() );
** CID 1591760: Performance inefficiencies (COPY_INSTEAD_OF_MOVE)
/chart2/source/controller/main/ChartController.cxx: 1348 in chart::ChartController::executeDispatch_ChartType()()
*** CID 1591760: Performance inefficiencies (COPY_INSTEAD_OF_MOVE)
/chart2/source/controller/main/ChartController.cxx: 1348 in chart::ChartController::executeDispatch_ChartType()()
1342 auto aUndoGuard = std::make_shared<UndoLiveUpdateGuard>(SchResId(STR_ACTION_EDIT_CHARTTYPE),
1343 m_xUndoManager);
1345 SolarMutexGuard aSolarGuard;
1346 //prepare and open dialog
1347 auto aDlg = std::make_shared<ChartTypeDialog>(GetChartFrame(), getChartModel());
>>> CID 1591760: Performance inefficiencies (COPY_INSTEAD_OF_MOVE)
>>> "aUndoGuard" is copied in call to copy constructor "std::shared_ptr<chart::UndoLiveUpdateGuard>", when it could be moved instead.
1348 weld::DialogController::runAsync(aDlg, [this, aUndoGuard](int nResult) {
1349 if (nResult == RET_OK)
1350 {
1351 impl_adaptDataSeriesAutoResize();
1352 aUndoGuard->commit();
1353 }
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