Build LO publish version failed on MacOS M2 pro

Xinliang Liu xinliang.liu at
Thu Jun 6 04:16:03 UTC 2024

Hi Christian,
Thanks for your pointers.

On Tue, 4 Jun 2024 at 22:24, Christian Lohmaier <lohmaier at>

> Hi,
> On Tue, Jun 4, 2024 at 11:37 AM Xinliang Liu <xinliang.liu at>
> wrote:
> >
> > We follow the building guide:
> >
> > By default, run `make check` everything is ok. It can build and run the
> app successfully.
> >
> > But when building a MacOS publish version it failed:
> > ```
> > core % cat  distro-configs/LibreOfficeVanillaMacAppStore.conf >>
> autogen.input
> Note: that this is not necessary, you'd specify
> --with-distro=LibreOfficeVanillaMacAppStore to your autogen.input and
> it would apply the values.
> Note#2: this is not the distro-configuration used by TDF for appstore
> builds.
> > --enable-debug
> > --disable-ext-numbertext
> > --disable-firebird-sdbc
> > --disable-lotuswordpro
> > --disable-lpsolve
> Not used by TDF
> > --disable-odk
> > --disable-online-update
> that is used.
> > --disable-pdfimport
> > --disable-postgresql-sdbc
> Both not used, --without-system-postgresql is used instead
> > --enable-extension-integration
> > --enable-macosx-sandbox
> used.
> > --enable-mpl-subset
> > --enable-readonly-installset
> readonly-installset is always forced for macOS/the switch is not necessary
> > --enable-release-build
> > --enable-symbols
> > --with-help
> > --with-myspell-dicts
> used, however using --with-help=html
> > --with-theme=sukapura
> > --with-vendor=Collabora
> > --without-java
> > --without-package-format
> No  limit on themes, obviously using different vendor, --without-java
> and --without-package format are used.
> > core % ./
> > core % make check 2>&1 | tee build.log
> > make -j 12  -rs -f /Users/liuxl/work/lode/dev/core/Makefile.gbuild
> unitcheck slowcheck subsequentcheck  check
> > ...
> >
> file:///Users/liuxl/work/lode/dev/core//sw/qa/extras/htmlexport/data//xhtml-css.odt:
> > (anonymous namespace)::testXHTMLUseCSS::TestBody finished in: 472ms
> >
> /Users/liuxl/work/lode/dev/core/sw/qa/extras/htmlexport/htmlexport.cxx:3039:
> Assertion
> > Test name: (anonymous namespace)::testReqIF_ExportFormulasAsPDF::TestBody
> > equality assertion failed
> > - Expected: pdf_Portable_Document_Format
> > - Actual  : generic_Text
> > […]
> Would be interesting to see what the generic_Text would contain / or
> whether it is just an empty file. Since the biggest
> > Any pointers on this issue?
> You wrote "by default" a make check worked, but you didn't specify
> what configure switches you were using, completely empty or just not
> the sandboxing ones? did you "make clean" after changing the configure
> flags?

I mean "by default" which means "./ --without-java". I do "make
clean" and "make distclean"
between configure flags change.

> A fist check is to remove the --disable-* switches then and try again
> to find the one actually causing the problem. Since it is pdf related,
> might be the disable-pdfimport one, but that's just wild guessing
> without looking at the actual test

It failed at running "./ --disable-odk --disable-online-update
--without-system-postgresql --enable-extension-integration
--enable-macosx-sandbox --enable-mpl-subset --enable-readonly-installset
--enable-release-build --enable-symbols --with-help=html
--with-myspell-dicts --with-vendor=xVendor --without-java
--without-package-format  --with-theme=colibre 2>&1 | tee autogen1.log"
checking whether ccache clang++ supports a working C++20
std::strong_order... yes
checking whether to create huge library... no
checking whether to use icerun wrapper... no
checking MPL subset... configure: error:
    * Need to --disable-postgresql-sdbc - the PostgreSQL database backend.
    * Need to --disable-lotuswordpro - a Lotus Word Pro file format import
    * Need to disable PDF import via poppler (--disable-poppler) or use
system library.
    * Need to --disable-lpsolve - calc linear programming solver.
Error running configure at ./ line 321.

And after adding above --disable-xx , run "./ success, but run
"make check" failed new test.
 ./ --disable-odk --disable-online-update
--without-system-postgresql --enable-extension-integration
--enable-macosx-sandbox --enable-mpl-subset --enable-readonly-installset
--enable-release-build --enable-symbols --with-help=html
--with-myspell-dicts --with-vendor=xVendor --without-java
--without-package-format  --with-theme=colibre --disable-postgresql-sdbc
--disable-lotuswordpro --disable-poppler --disable-lpsolve 2>&1 | tee
make check 2>&1 | tee build2.log
[_RUN_____] (anonymous namespace)::testURIs::TestBody
(anonymous namespace)::testURIs::TestBody finished in: 143ms
[_RUN_____] (anonymous namespace)::testVersion15::TestBody
(anonymous namespace)::testVersion15::TestBody finished in: 37ms
Test name: (anonymous namespace)::testTdf124116TrackUntrack::TestBody
equality assertion failed
- Expected: 15
- Actual  : 17

Failures !!!
Run: 69   Failure total: 1   Failures: 1   Errors: 0

Error: a unit test failed, please do one of:
make CppunitTest_vcl_pdfexport2 CPPUNITTRACE="lldb --"       # for
interactive debugging on macOS
make CppunitTest_vcl_pdfexport2 VALGRIND=memcheck            # for memory

You can limit the execution to just one particular test by:

make CppunitTest_vcl_pdfexport2 CPPUNIT_TEST_NAME="testXYZ" ...above
mentioned params...

make[1]: ***
Error 1
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
make: *** [Makefile:294: build] Error 2

And BTW, my MacOS version is 14.2.1 (23C71).


> ciao
> Christian
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