GSoC Weekly Update: LUA UNO Language binding in LibreOffice

Venetia R Furtado venetiarosita at
Sat Jun 15 02:35:03 UTC 2024


I had initially  hard-coded C++ wrapper MyClass around the mxDocText object
(SimpleBootstrap_cpp.cxx), and then exported that C++ wrapper to Lua.

I then refactored the code (with guidance from Stephan), to map the C++ UNO
objects to LUA and have a generic way to call UNO interface methods. I did
this by passing UNO objects as a Reference<XInterface> and then using
UNO_QUERY to get the correct userdata type.

I am currently working on changing UNO interface  methods that are
hard-coded as individual C++ functions to a single a C++ method mapped to
the __index metamethod.  (WIP)

Venetia Furtado
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