GSoC Weekly Update: LUA UNO Language binding in LibreOffice

Venetia R Furtado venetiarosita at
Sat Jun 22 00:38:08 UTC 2024


Over the past week, I worked on changing the UNO interface methods that
were hard-coded as individual C++ functions to a single a C++ method mapped
to the __index metamethod.

As discussed with Stephan, I used the css.scripting.Invocation interface to
find out the number and types of arguments the given UNO method expects.
With that information I then converted the given Lua arguments to   C++
css::uno::Any arguments and used css.scripting.XInvocation's invoke method
to make the actual UNO method call.

The plan for the coming week is to be able to pass more  arguments and
return types in

Venetia Furtado
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