behavior of new functions XLOOKUP and XMATCH

Mike Kaganski mikekaganski at
Tue May 14 03:04:35 UTC 2024

On 14.05.2024 3:23, Regina Henschel wrote:
> Combining parameter values for wildcard mode and binary search is 
> possible. But there exist no way to actually do it. Excel gives an error 
> messages in such cases. LibreOffice silently switches to linear search.
> ...
> Some arguments so far:
> * No error message would make use of the functions in macros and forms 
> easier.
> * No error message might be better for using the functions in 
> automatically calculations without UI.
> * Using linear search can be unexpected slow on a huge Lookup_array. An 
> error message makes the problem visible to the user.

Emitting error is the only sane way here. No error message means doing 
something different than user requested, without user knowing that, with 
no practical benefit (the wildcards / regexes won't be used, so the task 
is not done anyway). Calculations without UI means either prepared 
document (and there a sane set of options must be used), or 
programmatically defined formulas (and there a sane set of options must 
be used).

Best regards,
Mike Kaganski

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