GSoC: Libreoffice Theme (week - 1 update)

Michael Weghorn m.weghorn at
Mon May 27 03:45:17 UTC 2024

On 2024-05-27 05:04, Sahil Gautam wrote:
> The project is about not depending on the OS for colors and implement "Themes"
> in Libreoffice. So as per my understanding (opinions invited), all the `Set...Color()`
> calls in the `bool UpdateSettings(AllSettings& rSettings)` functions, which take
> colors from the OS and put them into the `StyleSettings` are to be removed, and colors
> should be passed to the widget toolkits, which were read from the expert configuration.

My take would be that colors should still be taken from the 
OS's/toolkit's current system theme/style by default, and only be 
overriden if explicitly configured so.
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