Invitation to Open Source conference in Bucharest

Gabriel Masei gabriel.masei at
Mon Sep 9 14:09:16 UTC 2024

Hi there,

I'm coming with some good news for Open Source. After last year's 
successful LibOCon conference there is finally some concrete follow-up. 
Encouraged by LibOCon and having both FOSDEM and LibOCon as prototypes, 
people from the University that hosted LibOCon (UPB - University 
POLITEHNICA of Bucharest) and helped us organize it decided to organize 
this year in Bucharest, Romania, at the same University, a first edition 
of an Open Source dedicated conference ( It 
will take place between 26 and 28 September 2024. The idea and the start 
of the implementation came a bit late (somewhere in June) but it was 
still decided to go ahead with this tight schedule. There was a reaction 
beyond expectations from those invited and the idea was received very 
well. For now, the organizers are focusing on local Open Source 
communities but they want to make it as global as possible. What is 
specific to and interesting in this conference is that it wants to 
involve students as much as possible, to give to the conference an 
educational side. That's why the conference offers also space for 
workshops and hackatons where students are the prime target.

Having the above in mind I want to invite to the conference anyone who 
is interested in attending, giving a talk or running a workshop, or 
participating in a hackaton. Giving a talk is possible either by being 
physically present at the location or online or through a recorded video.

See below the official invitation letter from the organizing team:


Because there is quite a lot of energy (and diversity) in the area of 
​​open source (and open data, open science, and open education), we put 
our minds to organizing a conference on this topic: OmniOpenCon[1]. It 
will take place in 3 days, September 26-28, 2024, at UPB:

* first day, Thursday, September 26, 2024: talks (classic)
* the next day, Friday, September 27, 2024: workshops on open source 
communities/projects (hands-on tutorials)
* third day, Saturday, September 28, 2024: hackathons - a day of hacking 
on open-source projects

Somehow, we want to achieve 3 points:
i) to bring together the communities, the open * projects in Romania 
(and not only), to know each other, to exchange thoughts, ideas
ii) to attract contributors to open * projects, to see ways of collaboration
iii) to educate the world (especially students) on good practices in the 
development and use of technology

The idea is to do something recurring annually as a local FOSDEM (not 
necessarily limited to Romania). It is meant to be free and accessible 
to as many people as possible so that the world knows what is happening 
and we know about each other.

It would be great to have an image of as many projects and communities 
as possible at the conference, whether in a presentation, workshops, or 
something else—anything dealing with open *. Is there interest from you 
to be part of this?




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