Invitation to Open Source conference in Bucharest

Thorsten Behrens thb at
Tue Sep 10 06:30:56 UTC 2024

Hi Gabriel,

Gabriel Masei wrote:
> Encouraged by LibOCon and having both FOSDEM and LibOCon as
> prototypes, people from the University that hosted LibOCon (UPB -
> University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest) and helped us organize it
> decided to organize this year in Bucharest, Romania, at the same
> University, a first edition of an Open Source dedicated conference
> (
Wow, that's super-cool - great to hear & nice job, keeping that
momentum! :)

> Having the above in mind I want to invite to the conference anyone who is
> interested in attending, giving a talk or running a workshop, or
> participating in a hackaton. Giving a talk is possible either by being
> physically present at the location or online or through a recorded video.
Count me in! :)


-- Thorsten
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