Remove hard-coded key combination shift+ctrl+f6

Heiko Tietze heiko.tietze at
Tue Sep 10 16:42:38 UTC 2024

We use F6 and Ctrl+F6 for accessibility, and take care of these shortcuts. But 
additionally Shift+Ctrl+F6 is assigned to split windows. According the help [1] 
this is for "Controlling the Dividing Lines", which works in Calc but not 
Draw/Impress, and can be easily replaced and customized with .uno:SplitWindow.

So I propose to remove this hard-coded shortcut completely, tentative patch at 
[2,3]. Any objection?

[2] (code)
[3] (help)
Dr. Heiko Tietze, UX-Architect and UI-Designer
Tel: +49 30 5557992-63 | Mail: heiko.tietze at
The Document Foundation, Winterfeldtstraße 52, 10781 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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