More and Better Tests GSoc Final report

Adam Seskunas adamseskunas at
Sat Sep 21 15:37:37 UTC 2024


Here is the link to my final report

I have also written a document that explains the process of writing a test
from the MissingUnitTest wiki. The document is a summary of what I've
learned while working on my project and I hope it can be of use to other

I'd also like to thank my mentors Hossein and Xisco for all the help and
time they contributed to my project, I couldn't have done it without you,
thank you! And thanks to all the other contributors that have answered
questions on the irc channel or through email. Libreoffice has a great
community, its been a pleasure to contribute over the last few months and I
look forward to continuing to contribute in the future.

Adam Seskunas
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