[Libva] [PATCH] test: add putsurface option for color conversion test

Gwenole Beauchesne gb.devel at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 08:03:55 PDT 2012


2012/5/31 Zhao, Halley <halley.zhao at intel.com>:

> Since there is no VAConfigID in putsurface test, we can't create VAConfigAttrib.
> So a surface with specified format can't be created in this context.

You can create one with profile = VAProfileNone and entrypoint =
VAEntrypointVideoProc. We probably could relax contraints by allowing
VA_INVALID_ID as the config_id for vaGetSurfaceAttributes() that means
"render mode".

The alternative, for this test, is to also make the surface pixel
format a command-line option that the user sets, with a default =
NV12. i.e. use VASurfaceAttribPixelFormat surface attribute with new


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