[Libva] Image size restrictions for decode: Samples

Oliver Seitz info at vtnd.de
Wed May 23 08:17:39 PDT 2012

> Are you using master branch ? I can't reproduce the issue against master
> branch.

Ouch. No, haven't tried yet... I was so happy that vaapi did work to 
some point using debian wheezy out-of-the-box, that I did not try to 
compile myself. I hope to find the courage to try that soon...

Thanks for checking.

And apologies for another bunch of stupid questions:

> Note the driver doesn't support resolution bigger than 2048x2048 on
> sandybridge.

Is this a hardware limitation? Is it the same on ivybridge? vdpauinfo 
outputs such limits. Could something like this be added to vainfo, too?

> Mplayer-vaapi will output the following message then switch
> to software decoding for unsupported resolution. It still uses VA API to
> display the decoded surface.

That's nice.

Thanks again!


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