[LightDM] Building on XStreamOS/illumos

Guido Berhoerster gber at opensuse.org
Thu Mar 27 07:56:16 PDT 2014

* Gabriele Bulfon <gabriele.bulfon at sonicle.com> [2014-03-27 12:57]:
> Thanks Guido,
> our XStreamOS features recent xorg 1.14.5 as from oracle open repo.
> I assume those issues you talk about are already present in this.
> Do you think so?

I don't think there have been any changes, if you use XNV gate
from Oracle everything should still work as described in the
presentation I referenced, have a look at it, it even provides
links to the sdtlogin implementation.

> I will definetly look at the gdm patch sets to see if and how they can fit into lightdm.
> Anyway, XStreamOS Desktop does not include gdm at the moment (we would like to have lightdm instead).
> So I don't have pam files for gdm.
> Can you point me to some files to see around?

There are no pam files in Illumos, it only has a single static
/etc/pam.conf, see
So you either need to patch the PAM service names lightdm uses
and try to re-use the ones gdm uses or adapt pam.conf. The latter
would be a problem if you intended to create an IPS package of
lightdm, /etc/pam.conf is delivered by SUNWcs and there is no
way of amending it.
Guido Berhoerster

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