[LightDM] Developing a feature targeting 14.04

lightdm.bobd at dfgh.net lightdm.bobd at dfgh.net
Wed Nov 19 07:11:14 PST 2014


I'm working on https://bugs.launchpad.net/lightdm/+bug/1371710
Although I'm an experienced developer and have been using Linux for a
couple of decades now, I'm new to lightDM development, and in fact this
is my first Linux development project, so I probably have some naive
questions to get started. Please bear with me.

My 14.04 system has lightdm 1.10.1. I see from
https://launchpad.net/lightdm that 1.10.4 is released and 1.10.5 is in
development. How/when does Ubuntu pick up new dot releases? Does it go
to Debian first? Any pointers to records/status for such planning?

How can I determine the Ubuntu release bindings for the various lightdm
series (e.g. 1.12 and 1.13)?

What's the policy for new features? I presume they must first be
integrated into the trunk? Do you permit backporting of features to
prior series, and if so what's the criteria/procedure?

I look forward to contributing to my first Community project and to
working with the lightdm team.

    Bob Doolittle

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