[Mesa-ci-intel] Regressions on staging/19.1
Juan A. Suarez Romero
jasuarez at igalia.com
Tue Oct 15 11:34:53 UTC 2019
On Mon, 2019-10-14 at 10:54 -0700, Clayton Craft wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 14, 2019 at 01:28:15PM +0200, Juan A. Suarez Romero wrote:
> > Any news on this?
> >
> Sorry this took me a while, some other things came up that required my
> attention and it took a while to pick through the results and figure out what
> caused some of the failures.
> Basically, I didn't find any regressions that I could blame on mesa. There are a
> few unstable/flaky tests in the 19.1 branch, and I don't know why (I wasn't able
> to bisect to any particular commit..). Since this is the last release for 19.1
> and there are no obvious test regressions, I think it's OK to release from a
> CI/regression perspective.
Thanks for your time.
I've checked 19.2 branch and it seems to be in good shape. As we are encouraging
to move to 19.2 branch, I think it is safe to release it.
> For completeness, I've included my notes/comments about failures I see on the
> 19.1 staging daily build below.
> -Clayton
> gen9 - glcts:
> KHR-GL46.enhanced_layouts.varying_location_aliasing_with_mixed_auxiliary_storage
> Test fixed with a newer GL CTS than what is used in the 19.1 staging
> branch CI job
> gen9/gen9 atom - piglit:
> spec.intel_shader_atomic_float_minmax.execution.ssbo-atomiccompswap-float-negative-zero
> spec.intel_shader_atomic_float_minmax.execution.ssbo-atomicmax-float-nan
> spec.intel_shader_atomic_float_minmax.execution.ssbo-atomicmin-float-nan
> These seems to be failures associated with piglit, they do not fail on
> newer versions of piglit. I think they can be ignored for the 19.1
> branch.
> All platforms - crucible:
> func.multiview.count_6.q0
> func.multiview.count_6.masked_0_2.q0
> func.multiview.count_6.masked_1_3_5.q0
> func.multiview.count_6.masked_3_4.q0
> These can be ignored. New tests added to crucible recently and CI was
> erroneously using newer crucible builds (this has been corrected and
> will be reflected in the next build)
> g33/g965 - dEQP:
> dEQP-EGL.functional.sharing.gles2.multithread.random.programs.link.7
> dEQP-EGL.functional.sharing.gles2.multithread.simple.textures.teximage2d_copytexsubimage2d_render
> dEQP-EGL.functional.render.multi_thread.gles2.rgba8888_pbuffer
> These tests appear to be flaky on the 19.1 stable branch, I wasn't able
> to blame any particular commit for it. I think they can be ignored
> SNB - piglit:
> piglit.spec.arb_texture_multisample.texelfetch.2-gs-usampler2dms
> piglit.spec.glsl-1_50.execution.built-in-functions.gs-op-bitxor-abs-not-int-int
> piglit.spec.glsl-1_50.execution.built-in-functions.gs-op-bitand-neg-abs-ivec4-int
> These tests appear to be flaky on the 19.1 stable branch, I wasn't able
> to blame any particular commit for it. I think they can be ignored
> BSW - gl cts/dEQP/piglit:
> dEQP-GLES3.functional.negative_api.texture.compressedteximage3d_invalid_astc_target
> piglit.spec.!opengl 1_1.read-front clear-front-first samples=16 bsw m64
> piglit.spec.arb_sample_shading.samplemask 16
> piglit.spec.khr_texture_compression_astc.miptree-gles srgb-fp
> piglit.spec.arb_fragment_shader_interlock.compiler.begininvocationinterlock-inside-non-main-function_frag
> piglit.spec.arb_fragment_shader_interlock.compiler.endinvocationinterlock-inside-for_frag
> piglit.spec.arb_fragment_shader_interlock.compiler.endinvocationinterlock-inside-while_frag
> piglit.spec.!opengl 1_1.read-front samples=16
> piglit.spec.arb_fragment_shader_interlock.compiler.begininvocationinterlock-inside-for_frag
> piglit.spec.arb_fragment_shader_interlock.compiler.begininvocationinterlock-inside-while_frag
> piglit.spec.arb_fragment_shader_interlock.compiler.endinvocationinterlock-before-begininvocationinterlock_frag
> piglit.spec.arb_fragment_shader_interlock.compiler.endinvocationinterlock-inside-non-main-function_frag
> KHR-NoContext.es32.robustness.lose_context_on_reset
> KHR-NoContext.es32.robustness.readnpixels
> KHR-NoContext.es32.robustness.no_reset_notification
> KHR-NoContext.es32.context_flags.debug_flag_set_case
> KHR-NoContext.es32.context_flags.robust_flag_set_case
> KHR-NoContext.es32.context_flags.all_flags_set_case
> These tests appear to be flaky on the 19.1 stable branch, I wasn't able
> to blame any particular commit for it. I think they can be ignored. The
> kernel on BSW systems in CI was recently updated to resolve some test
> regressions on master, it's possible the test instability here is due to
> the newer mainline kernel running on them...
> gen9 atom - dEQP:
> dEQP-GLES2.functional.shaders.texture_functions.vertex.texturecubelod
> dEQP-GLES2.functional.shaders.fragdata.invalid_assign_to_1
> dEQP-GLES2.functional.texture.vertex.cube.filtering.linear_mipmap_linear_linear_mirror
> dEQP-GLES2.functional.texture.vertex.cube.wrap.mirror_mirror
> dEQP-GLES2.functional.texture.vertex.cube.wrap.clamp_clamp
> dEQP-GLES2.functional.fbo.api.attachment_query_empty_fbo
> dEQP-GLES3.functional.shaders.texture_functions.texturelodoffset.usampler3d_vertex
> dEQP-GLES3.functional.pbo.renderbuffer.rgb10_a2_triangles
> dEQP-GLES2.functional.texture.mipmap.cube.basic.linear_nearest
> dEQP-GLES2.functional.texture.mipmap.cube.projected.linear_nearest
> dEQP-GLES2.functional.texture.mipmap.cube.bias.linear_nearest
> dEQP-GLES2.functional.texture.vertex.cube.filtering.linear_mipmap_linear_nearest_clamp
> dEQP-GLES2.functional.texture.vertex.cube.wrap.clamp_repeat
> dEQP-GLES2.functional.fragment_ops.interaction.basic_shader.61
> dEQP-GLES3.functional.shaders.texture_functions.texturelodoffset.sampler3d_float_vertex
> dEQP-GLES3.functional.shaders.texture_functions.textureprojlodoffset.isampler3d_vertex
> dEQP-GLES3.functional.shaders.fragdata.draw_buffers
> dEQP-GLES2.functional.texture.vertex.cube.filtering.linear_mipmap_linear_linear_clamp
> dEQP-GLES2.functional.texture.vertex.cube.filtering.linear_mipmap_linear_nearest_mirror
> dEQP-GLES2.functional.texture.vertex.cube.wrap.mirror_clamp
> dEQP-GLES2.functional.negative_api.state.get_framebuffer_attachment_parameteriv
> dEQP-GLES3.functional.shaders.fragdata.invalid_assign_to_1
> dEQP-GLES31.functional.tessellation.user_defined_io.negative.es32.per_vertex_incorrect_control_explicit_output_array_size_1
> These seem to be flaky on 19.1.. I wasn't able to blame any particular
> commit in the branch for the flakiness.
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