[Mesa-dev] [PATCH] st/mesa: inline st_prepare_fragment_program in st_translate_fragment_program

Bryan Cain bryancain3 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 7 12:21:21 PDT 2011

This reverts an unnecessary part of commit 4683529048ee and fixes misrendering
and an assertion failure in Cogs.

Fixes freedesktop.org bug 39888.
 src/mesa/state_tracker/st_program.c |  326 +++++++++++++++++------------------
 src/mesa/state_tracker/st_program.h |   15 --
 2 files changed, 162 insertions(+), 179 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_program.c b/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_program.c
index ca01d2e..a4f47ed 100644
--- a/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_program.c
+++ b/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_program.c
@@ -416,151 +416,6 @@ st_get_vp_variant(struct st_context *st,
    return vpv;
- * Translate Mesa fragment shader attributes to TGSI attributes.
- * \return GL_TRUE if color output should be written to all render targets, 
- *         GL_FALSE if not
- */
-st_prepare_fragment_program(struct gl_context *ctx,
-                            struct st_fragment_program *stfp)
-   GLuint attr;
-   const GLbitfield inputsRead = stfp->Base.Base.InputsRead;
-   GLboolean write_all = GL_FALSE;
-   /*
-    * Convert Mesa program inputs to TGSI input register semantics.
-    */
-   for (attr = 0; attr < FRAG_ATTRIB_MAX; attr++) {
-      if (inputsRead & (1 << attr)) {
-         const GLuint slot = stfp->num_inputs++;
-         stfp->input_to_index[attr] = slot;
-         switch (attr) {
-         case FRAG_ATTRIB_WPOS:
-            stfp->input_semantic_name[slot] = TGSI_SEMANTIC_POSITION;
-            stfp->input_semantic_index[slot] = 0;
-            stfp->interp_mode[slot] = TGSI_INTERPOLATE_LINEAR;
-            break;
-         case FRAG_ATTRIB_COL0:
-            stfp->input_semantic_name[slot] = TGSI_SEMANTIC_COLOR;
-            stfp->input_semantic_index[slot] = 0;
-            stfp->interp_mode[slot] = TGSI_INTERPOLATE_LINEAR;
-            break;
-         case FRAG_ATTRIB_COL1:
-            stfp->input_semantic_name[slot] = TGSI_SEMANTIC_COLOR;
-            stfp->input_semantic_index[slot] = 1;
-            stfp->interp_mode[slot] = TGSI_INTERPOLATE_LINEAR;
-            break;
-         case FRAG_ATTRIB_FOGC:
-            stfp->input_semantic_name[slot] = TGSI_SEMANTIC_FOG;
-            stfp->input_semantic_index[slot] = 0;
-            stfp->interp_mode[slot] = TGSI_INTERPOLATE_PERSPECTIVE;
-            break;
-         case FRAG_ATTRIB_FACE:
-            stfp->input_semantic_name[slot] = TGSI_SEMANTIC_FACE;
-            stfp->input_semantic_index[slot] = 0;
-            stfp->interp_mode[slot] = TGSI_INTERPOLATE_CONSTANT;
-            break;
-            /* In most cases, there is nothing special about these
-             * inputs, so adopt a convention to use the generic
-             * semantic name and the mesa FRAG_ATTRIB_ number as the
-             * index. 
-             * 
-             * All that is required is that the vertex shader labels
-             * its own outputs similarly, and that the vertex shader
-             * generates at least every output required by the
-             * fragment shader plus fixed-function hardware (such as
-             * BFC).
-             * 
-             * There is no requirement that semantic indexes start at
-             * zero or be restricted to a particular range -- nobody
-             * should be building tables based on semantic index.
-             */
-         case FRAG_ATTRIB_PNTC:
-         case FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX0:
-         case FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX1:
-         case FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX2:
-         case FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX3:
-         case FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX4:
-         case FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX5:
-         case FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX6:
-         case FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX7:
-         case FRAG_ATTRIB_VAR0:
-         default:
-            /* Actually, let's try and zero-base this just for
-             * readability of the generated TGSI.
-             */
-            assert(attr >= FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX0);
-            stfp->input_semantic_index[slot] = (attr - FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX0);
-            stfp->input_semantic_name[slot] = TGSI_SEMANTIC_GENERIC;
-            if (attr == FRAG_ATTRIB_PNTC)
-               stfp->interp_mode[slot] = TGSI_INTERPOLATE_LINEAR;
-            else
-               stfp->interp_mode[slot] = TGSI_INTERPOLATE_PERSPECTIVE;
-            break;
-         }
-      }
-      else {
-         stfp->input_to_index[attr] = -1;
-      }
-   }
-   /*
-    * Semantics and mapping for outputs
-    */
-   {
-      uint numColors = 0;
-      GLbitfield64 outputsWritten = stfp->Base.Base.OutputsWritten;
-      /* if z is written, emit that first */
-      if (outputsWritten & BITFIELD64_BIT(FRAG_RESULT_DEPTH)) {
-         stfp->output_semantic_name[stfp->num_outputs] = TGSI_SEMANTIC_POSITION;
-         stfp->output_semantic_index[stfp->num_outputs] = 0;
-         stfp->result_to_output[FRAG_RESULT_DEPTH] = stfp->num_outputs;
-         stfp->num_outputs++;
-         outputsWritten &= ~(1 << FRAG_RESULT_DEPTH);
-      }
-      if (outputsWritten & BITFIELD64_BIT(FRAG_RESULT_STENCIL)) {
-         stfp->output_semantic_name[stfp->num_outputs] = TGSI_SEMANTIC_STENCIL;
-         stfp->output_semantic_index[stfp->num_outputs] = 0;
-         stfp->result_to_output[FRAG_RESULT_STENCIL] = stfp->num_outputs;
-         stfp->num_outputs++;
-         outputsWritten &= ~(1 << FRAG_RESULT_STENCIL);
-      }
-      /* handle remaning outputs (color) */
-      for (attr = 0; attr < FRAG_RESULT_MAX; attr++) {
-         if (outputsWritten & BITFIELD64_BIT(attr)) {
-            switch (attr) {
-            case FRAG_RESULT_DEPTH:
-            case FRAG_RESULT_STENCIL:
-               /* handled above */
-               assert(0);
-               break;
-            case FRAG_RESULT_COLOR:
-               write_all = GL_TRUE; /* fallthrough */
-            default:
-               assert(attr == FRAG_RESULT_COLOR ||
-                      (FRAG_RESULT_DATA0 <= attr && attr < FRAG_RESULT_MAX));
-               stfp->output_semantic_name[stfp->num_outputs] = TGSI_SEMANTIC_COLOR;
-               stfp->output_semantic_index[stfp->num_outputs] = numColors;
-               stfp->result_to_output[attr] = stfp->num_outputs;
-               numColors++;
-               break;
-            }
-            stfp->num_outputs++;
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   return write_all;
  * Translate a Mesa fragment shader into a TGSI shader using extra info in
@@ -613,12 +468,155 @@ st_translate_fragment_program(struct st_context *st,
    if (!stfp->tgsi.tokens) {
       /* need to translate Mesa instructions to TGSI now */
+      GLuint outputMapping[FRAG_RESULT_MAX];
+      GLuint inputMapping[FRAG_ATTRIB_MAX];
+      GLuint interpMode[PIPE_MAX_SHADER_INPUTS];  /* XXX size? */
+      GLuint attr;
+      const GLbitfield inputsRead = stfp->Base.Base.InputsRead;
       struct ureg_program *ureg;
-      GLboolean write_all = st_prepare_fragment_program(st->ctx, stfp);
+      GLboolean write_all = GL_FALSE;
+      ubyte input_semantic_name[PIPE_MAX_SHADER_INPUTS];
+      ubyte input_semantic_index[PIPE_MAX_SHADER_INPUTS];
+      uint fs_num_inputs = 0;
+      ubyte fs_output_semantic_name[PIPE_MAX_SHADER_OUTPUTS];
+      ubyte fs_output_semantic_index[PIPE_MAX_SHADER_OUTPUTS];
+      uint fs_num_outputs = 0;
       if (!stfp->glsl_to_tgsi)
          _mesa_remove_output_reads(&stfp->Base.Base, PROGRAM_OUTPUT);
+      /*
+       * Convert Mesa program inputs to TGSI input register semantics.
+       */
+      for (attr = 0; attr < FRAG_ATTRIB_MAX; attr++) {
+         if (inputsRead & (1 << attr)) {
+            const GLuint slot = fs_num_inputs++;
+            inputMapping[attr] = slot;
+            switch (attr) {
+            case FRAG_ATTRIB_WPOS:
+               input_semantic_name[slot] = TGSI_SEMANTIC_POSITION;
+               input_semantic_index[slot] = 0;
+               interpMode[slot] = TGSI_INTERPOLATE_LINEAR;
+               break;
+            case FRAG_ATTRIB_COL0:
+               input_semantic_name[slot] = TGSI_SEMANTIC_COLOR;
+               input_semantic_index[slot] = 0;
+               interpMode[slot] = TGSI_INTERPOLATE_LINEAR;
+               break;
+            case FRAG_ATTRIB_COL1:
+               input_semantic_name[slot] = TGSI_SEMANTIC_COLOR;
+               input_semantic_index[slot] = 1;
+               interpMode[slot] = TGSI_INTERPOLATE_LINEAR;
+               break;
+            case FRAG_ATTRIB_FOGC:
+               input_semantic_name[slot] = TGSI_SEMANTIC_FOG;
+               input_semantic_index[slot] = 0;
+               interpMode[slot] = TGSI_INTERPOLATE_PERSPECTIVE;
+               break;
+            case FRAG_ATTRIB_FACE:
+               input_semantic_name[slot] = TGSI_SEMANTIC_FACE;
+               input_semantic_index[slot] = 0;
+               interpMode[slot] = TGSI_INTERPOLATE_CONSTANT;
+               break;
+               /* In most cases, there is nothing special about these
+                * inputs, so adopt a convention to use the generic
+                * semantic name and the mesa FRAG_ATTRIB_ number as the
+                * index. 
+                * 
+                * All that is required is that the vertex shader labels
+                * its own outputs similarly, and that the vertex shader
+                * generates at least every output required by the
+                * fragment shader plus fixed-function hardware (such as
+                * BFC).
+                * 
+                * There is no requirement that semantic indexes start at
+                * zero or be restricted to a particular range -- nobody
+                * should be building tables based on semantic index.
+                */
+            case FRAG_ATTRIB_PNTC:
+            case FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX0:
+            case FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX1:
+            case FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX2:
+            case FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX3:
+            case FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX4:
+            case FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX5:
+            case FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX6:
+            case FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX7:
+            case FRAG_ATTRIB_VAR0:
+            default:
+               /* Actually, let's try and zero-base this just for
+                * readability of the generated TGSI.
+                */
+               assert(attr >= FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX0);
+               input_semantic_index[slot] = (attr - FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX0);
+               input_semantic_name[slot] = TGSI_SEMANTIC_GENERIC;
+               if (attr == FRAG_ATTRIB_PNTC)
+                  interpMode[slot] = TGSI_INTERPOLATE_LINEAR;
+               else
+                  interpMode[slot] = TGSI_INTERPOLATE_PERSPECTIVE;
+               break;
+            }
+         }
+         else {
+            inputMapping[attr] = -1;
+         }
+      }
+      /*
+       * Semantics and mapping for outputs
+       */
+      {
+         uint numColors = 0;
+         GLbitfield64 outputsWritten = stfp->Base.Base.OutputsWritten;
+         /* if z is written, emit that first */
+         if (outputsWritten & BITFIELD64_BIT(FRAG_RESULT_DEPTH)) {
+            fs_output_semantic_name[fs_num_outputs] = TGSI_SEMANTIC_POSITION;
+            fs_output_semantic_index[fs_num_outputs] = 0;
+            outputMapping[FRAG_RESULT_DEPTH] = fs_num_outputs;
+            fs_num_outputs++;
+            outputsWritten &= ~(1 << FRAG_RESULT_DEPTH);
+         }
+         if (outputsWritten & BITFIELD64_BIT(FRAG_RESULT_STENCIL)) {
+            fs_output_semantic_name[fs_num_outputs] = TGSI_SEMANTIC_STENCIL;
+            fs_output_semantic_index[fs_num_outputs] = 0;
+            outputMapping[FRAG_RESULT_STENCIL] = fs_num_outputs;
+            fs_num_outputs++;
+            outputsWritten &= ~(1 << FRAG_RESULT_STENCIL);
+         }
+         /* handle remaning outputs (color) */
+         for (attr = 0; attr < FRAG_RESULT_MAX; attr++) {
+            if (outputsWritten & BITFIELD64_BIT(attr)) {
+               switch (attr) {
+               case FRAG_RESULT_DEPTH:
+               case FRAG_RESULT_STENCIL:
+                  /* handled above */
+                  assert(0);
+                  break;
+               case FRAG_RESULT_COLOR:
+                  write_all = GL_TRUE; /* fallthrough */
+               default:
+                  assert(attr == FRAG_RESULT_COLOR ||
+                         (FRAG_RESULT_DATA0 <= attr && attr < FRAG_RESULT_MAX));
+                  fs_output_semantic_name[fs_num_outputs] = TGSI_SEMANTIC_COLOR;
+                  fs_output_semantic_index[fs_num_outputs] = numColors;
+                  outputMapping[attr] = fs_num_outputs;
+                  numColors++;
+                  break;
+               }
+               fs_num_outputs++;
+            }
+         }
+      }
       ureg = ureg_create( TGSI_PROCESSOR_FRAGMENT );
       if (ureg == NULL)
          return NULL;
@@ -638,32 +636,32 @@ st_translate_fragment_program(struct st_context *st,
                               /* inputs */
-                              stfp->num_inputs,
-                              stfp->input_to_index,
-                              stfp->input_semantic_name,
-                              stfp->input_semantic_index,
-                              stfp->interp_mode,
+                              fs_num_inputs,
+                              inputMapping,
+                              input_semantic_name,
+                              input_semantic_index,
+                              interpMode,
                               /* outputs */
-                              stfp->num_outputs,
-                              stfp->result_to_output,
-                              stfp->output_semantic_name,
-                              stfp->output_semantic_index, FALSE );
+                              fs_num_outputs,
+                              outputMapping,
+                              fs_output_semantic_name,
+                              fs_output_semantic_index, FALSE );
                                    /* inputs */
-                                   stfp->num_inputs,
-                                   stfp->input_to_index,
-                                   stfp->input_semantic_name,
-                                   stfp->input_semantic_index,
-                                   stfp->interp_mode,
+                                   fs_num_inputs,
+                                   inputMapping,
+                                   input_semantic_name,
+                                   input_semantic_index,
+                                   interpMode,
                                    /* outputs */
-                                   stfp->num_outputs,
-                                   stfp->result_to_output,
-                                   stfp->output_semantic_name,
-                                   stfp->output_semantic_index, FALSE );
+                                   fs_num_outputs,
+                                   outputMapping,
+                                   fs_output_semantic_name,
+                                   fs_output_semantic_index, FALSE );
       stfp->tgsi.tokens = ureg_get_tokens( ureg, NULL );
       ureg_destroy( ureg );
diff --git a/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_program.h b/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_program.h
index 67723de..699b6e8 100644
--- a/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_program.h
+++ b/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_program.h
@@ -85,21 +85,6 @@ struct st_fragment_program
    struct gl_fragment_program Base;
    struct glsl_to_tgsi_visitor* glsl_to_tgsi;
-   /** maps a Mesa FRAG_ATTRIB_x to a packed TGSI input index */
-   GLuint input_to_index[FRAG_ATTRIB_MAX];
-   /** maps a TGSI input index back to a Mesa FRAG_ATTRIB_x */
-   GLuint index_to_input[PIPE_MAX_SHADER_INPUTS];
-   ubyte input_semantic_name[PIPE_MAX_SHADER_INPUTS];
-   ubyte input_semantic_index[PIPE_MAX_SHADER_INPUTS];
-   GLuint num_inputs;
-   GLuint interp_mode[PIPE_MAX_SHADER_INPUTS];  /* XXX size? */
-   /** Maps FRAG_RESULT_x to slot */
-   GLuint result_to_output[FRAG_RESULT_MAX];
-   ubyte output_semantic_name[FRAG_RESULT_MAX];
-   ubyte output_semantic_index[FRAG_RESULT_MAX];
-   GLuint num_outputs;
    struct pipe_shader_state tgsi;

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