[Mesa-dev] [PATCH] glsl: Fix type error when lowering integer divisions

Dan McCabe zen3d.linux at gmail.com
Mon Aug 15 14:35:10 PDT 2011

On 08/15/2011 10:45 AM, Paul Berry wrote:
> On 15 August 2011 10:11, Dan McCabe<zen3d.linux at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> You might also want to consider implementing
>>     quotient = int((float(x) + 0.5 * float(y)) * reciprocal(float(y)));
>> This rounds the result to the nearest integer rather then flooring the
>> result and is arguably faster (assuming that common subexpressions for
>> float(y) are hoisted).
> I see where you're coming from, and if we were designing a new
> programming language from scratch, I might consider the idea.  But I
> don't feel like we can break from tradition that strongly.  In every
> programming language I'm aware of, dividing two integers to produce an
> integer result either rounds toward zero (e.g. C99) or toward negative
> infinity (e.g. Python 3.0, if you use the "floor division" operator).
> Nobody rounds to nearest.  And I believe I've seen code that relies on
> this rounding behavior, for example in computing loop bounds:
> // access an array in groups of three, ignoring any leftover bit at the end
> for (int i = 0; i<  array_length/3; ++i) {
>    ...access array elements 3*i, 3*i+1, and 3*i+2...
> }
> If we redefined integer division to do "round to nearest", code like
> the above would break.
> Incidentally, my experiments so far with the nVidia Linux driver
> indicate that it implements "round toward zero" behavior.
> It's really too bad that the GLSL spec doesn't narrow down corner
> cases like these, or make reference to standards that do.  It seems
> like their intention has been to make the language as C-like as
> possible--how hard would it have been for them to say "Integer
> operations are defined as in C99"?
Yeah, I agree with your points.

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