[Mesa-dev] [PATCH] Anisotropic filtering extension for swrast

Andreas Faenger a.faenger at e-sign.com
Tue May 17 04:08:36 PDT 2011

Anisotropic filtering extension for swrast intended to be used by osmesato create high quality renderings.
Based on Higher Quality Elliptical Weighted Avarage Filter (EWA).
A 2nd implementation using footprint assembly is also provided.

 src/mesa/main/extensions.c     |    3 +
 src/mesa/swrast/s_span.c       |    7 +
 src/mesa/swrast/s_texcombine.c |   13 ++
 src/mesa/swrast/s_texfilter.c  |  387 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 410 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/main/extensions.c b/src/mesa/main/extensions.c
index 8672ac2..77fc47b 100644
--- a/src/mesa/main/extensions.c
+++ b/src/mesa/main/extensions.c
@@ -503,6 +503,9 @@ _mesa_enable_sw_extensions(struct gl_context *ctx)
    ctx->Extensions.EXT_texture_env_add = GL_TRUE;
    ctx->Extensions.EXT_texture_env_combine = GL_TRUE;
    ctx->Extensions.EXT_texture_env_dot3 = GL_TRUE;
+   /* Anisotropic filtering extension begin */
+   ctx->Extensions.EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic = GL_TRUE;
+   /* Anisotropic filtering extension end */
    ctx->Extensions.EXT_texture_mirror_clamp = GL_TRUE;
    ctx->Extensions.EXT_texture_lod_bias = GL_TRUE;
    ctx->Extensions.EXT_texture_shared_exponent = GL_TRUE;
diff --git a/src/mesa/swrast/s_span.c b/src/mesa/swrast/s_span.c
index f0524e0..6ea5531 100644
--- a/src/mesa/swrast/s_span.c
+++ b/src/mesa/swrast/s_span.c
@@ -492,6 +492,13 @@ interpolate_texcoords(struct gl_context *ctx, SWspan *span)
             const struct gl_texture_image *img = obj->Image[0][obj->BaseLevel];
             needLambda = (obj->Sampler.MinFilter != obj->Sampler.MagFilter)
                || ctx->FragmentProgram._Current;
+            /* Anisotropic filtering extension begin */
+            /* LOD is calculated directly in the ansiotropic filter, we can skip the normal lambda
+             * function as the result is ignored anyways
+             */
+            if (obj->Sampler.MaxAnisotropy > 1.0 &&
+            	  obj->Sampler.MinFilter == GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR) needLambda = GL_FALSE;
+            /* Anisotropic filtering extension end */
             texW = img->WidthScale;
             texH = img->HeightScale;
diff --git a/src/mesa/swrast/s_texcombine.c b/src/mesa/swrast/s_texcombine.c
index 7f49b6f..178d360 100644
--- a/src/mesa/swrast/s_texcombine.c
+++ b/src/mesa/swrast/s_texcombine.c
@@ -710,6 +710,19 @@ _swrast_texture_span( struct gl_context *ctx, SWspan *span )
+         /* Anisotropic filtering extension begin */
+         else if(curObj->Sampler.MaxAnisotropy > 1.0 &&
+         	       curObj->Sampler.MinFilter == GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR) {
+            /* sample_lambda_2d_aniso is beeing used as texture_sample_func,
+             * it requires the current SWspan *span as an additional parameter.
+             * In order to keep the same function signature, the unused lambda
+             * parameter will be modified to actually contain the SWspan pointer.
+             * This is a Hack. To make it right, the texture_sample_func
+             * signature and all implementing functions need to be modified.
+             */
+            lambda = (GLfloat *)span; /* "hide" SWspan struct; cast to (GLfloat *) to suppress warning */
+         }
+         /* Anisotropic filtering extension end */
          /* Sample the texture (span->end = number of fragments) */
          swrast->TextureSample[unit]( ctx, texUnit->_Current, span->end,
diff --git a/src/mesa/swrast/s_texfilter.c b/src/mesa/swrast/s_texfilter.c
index 106f8b7..6b1d7f4 100644
--- a/src/mesa/swrast/s_texfilter.c
+++ b/src/mesa/swrast/s_texfilter.c
@@ -1531,6 +1531,388 @@ sample_lambda_2d(struct gl_context *ctx,
+/* Anisotropic filtering extension begin */
+#define WEIGHT_LUT_SIZE 1024
+static GLfloat *weightLut;
+ * Creates the lookup table used to speedup ewa sampling
+ */
+static void
+   GLuint i;
+   if (!weightLut) {
+      weightLut = (GLfloat *) malloc(WEIGHT_LUT_SIZE * sizeof(GLfloat));
+      for (i = 0; i < WEIGHT_LUT_SIZE; ++i) {
+         GLfloat alpha = 2;
+         GLfloat r2 = (GLfloat)i / (GLfloat)(WEIGHT_LUT_SIZE - 1);
+         GLfloat weight = (GLfloat)exp(-alpha * r2);
+         weightLut[i] = weight;
+      }
+   }
+ * Elliptical weighted average (EWA) filter for producing high quality
+ * anisotropic filtered results.
+ * Based on the Higher Quality Elliptical Weighted Avarage Filter
+ * published by Paul S. Heckbert in his Master's Thesis
+ * "Fundamentals of Texture Mapping and Image Warping" (1989)
+ */
+static void
+sample_2d_ewa(struct gl_context *ctx,
+                 const struct gl_texture_object *tObj,
+                 const GLfloat texcoord[4],
+                 const GLfloat dudx, const GLfloat dvdx,
+                 const GLfloat dudy, const GLfloat dvdy, const GLint lod,
+                 GLfloat rgba[])
+   GLint level=lod > 0 ? lod : 0;
+   GLfloat scaling = 1.0 / (1 << level);
+   const struct gl_texture_image *img =	tObj->Image[0][level];
+   const struct gl_texture_image *mostDetailedImage = tObj->Image[0][tObj->BaseLevel];
+   GLfloat tex_u=-0.5 + texcoord[0] * mostDetailedImage->WidthScale * scaling;
+   GLfloat tex_v=-0.5 + texcoord[1] * mostDetailedImage->HeightScale * scaling;
+   GLfloat ux = dudx * scaling;
+   GLfloat vx = dvdx * scaling;
+   GLfloat uy = dudy * scaling;
+   GLfloat vy = dvdy * scaling;
+   /* compute ellipse coefficients to bound the region: 
+    * A*x*x + B*x*y + C*y*y = F.
+    */
+   GLfloat A = vx*vx+vy*vy+1;
+   GLfloat B = -2*(ux*vx+uy*vy);
+   GLfloat C = ux*ux+uy*uy+1;
+   GLfloat F = A*C-B*B/4.0;
+   /* check if it is an ellipse */
+   /* ASSERT(F > 0.0); */
+   /* Compute the ellipse's (u,v) bounding box in texture space */
+   GLfloat d = -B*B+4.0*C*A;
+   GLfloat box_u = 2.0 / d * sqrt(d*C*F); /* box_u -> half of bbox with   */
+   GLfloat box_v = 2.0 / d * sqrt(A*d*F); /* box_v -> half of bbox height */
+   GLint u0 = floor(tex_u - box_u);
+   GLint u1 = ceil (tex_u + box_u);
+   GLint v0 = floor(tex_v - box_v);
+   GLint v1 = ceil (tex_v + box_v);
+   GLfloat num[4]={0, 0, 0, 0};
+   GLfloat newCoord[2];
+   GLfloat den = 0;
+   GLfloat ddq;
+   GLfloat U = u0 - tex_u;
+   GLint v;
+   /* Scale ellipse formula to directly index the Filter Lookup Table.
+    * i.e. scale so that F = WEIGHT_LUT_SIZE-1
+    */
+   register double formScale = (double)(WEIGHT_LUT_SIZE-1)/F;
+   A *= formScale;
+   B *= formScale;
+   C *= formScale;
+   /* F *= formScale; */ /* no need to scale F as we don't use it below here */
+   /* Heckbert MS thesis, p. 59; scan over the bounding box of the ellipse
+    * and incrementally update the value of Ax^2+Bxy*Cy^2; when this
+    * value, q, is less than F, we're inside the ellipse
+    */
+   ddq = 2 * A;
+   for (v = v0; v <= v1; ++v) {
+      GLfloat V = v - tex_v;
+      GLfloat dq = A*(2*U+1) + B*V;
+      GLfloat q = (C*V + B*U)*V + A*U*U;
+      GLint u;
+      for (u = u0; u <= u1; ++u) {
+         /* Note that the ellipse has been pre-scaled so F = WEIGHT_LUT_SIZE - 1 */
+         if (q < WEIGHT_LUT_SIZE) {
+            /* as a LUT is used, q must never be negative;
+             * should not happen, though
+             */
+            const GLint qClamped = q >= 0 ? q : 0;
+            GLfloat weight = weightLut[qClamped];
+            newCoord[0]=u /((GLfloat)img->Width2);
+            newCoord[1]=v /((GLfloat)img->Height2);
+            sample_2d_nearest(ctx, tObj, img, newCoord, rgba);
+            num[0]+= weight * rgba[0];
+            num[1]+= weight * rgba[1];
+            num[2]+= weight * rgba[2];
+            num[3]+= weight * rgba[3];
+            den += weight;
+         }
+         q += dq;
+         dq += ddq;
+      }
+   }
+   if (den <= 0)
+   {
+      /* Reaching this place would mean
+       * that no pixels intersected the ellipse.
+       * This should never happen because
+       * the filter we use always
+       * intersects at least one pixel.
+       */
+      /*rgba[0]=0;
+      rgba[1]=0;
+      rgba[2]=0;
+      rgba[3]=0;*/
+      /* not enough pixels in resampling, resort to direct interpolation */
+      sample_2d_linear(ctx, tObj, img, texcoord, rgba);
+      return;
+   }
+   rgba[0]=num[0] / den;
+   rgba[1]=num[1] / den;
+   rgba[2]=num[2] / den;
+   rgba[3]=num[3] / den;
+/* Anisotropic filtering using footprint assembly as outlined in the
+ * EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic spec:
+ * http://www.opengl.org/registry/specs/EXT/texture_filter_anisotropic.txt
+ * Faster than EWA but has less quality (more aliasing effects)
+ */
+static void
+sample_2d_footprint(struct gl_context *ctx,
+                 const struct gl_texture_object *tObj,
+                 const GLfloat texcoord[4],
+                 const GLfloat dudx, const GLfloat dvdx,
+                 const GLfloat dudy, const GLfloat dvdy, const GLint lod,
+                 GLfloat rgba[])
+   GLint level=lod > 0 ? lod : 0;
+   GLfloat scaling = 1.0 / (1 << level);
+   const struct gl_texture_image *img =	tObj->Image[0][level];
+   GLfloat ux = dudx * scaling;
+   GLfloat vx = dvdx * scaling;
+   GLfloat uy = dudy * scaling;
+   GLfloat vy = dvdy * scaling;
+   GLfloat Px2 = ux * ux + vx * vx; /* squared length of dx */
+   GLfloat Py2 = uy * uy + vy * vy; /* squared length of dy */
+   GLint numSamples;
+   GLfloat ds;
+   GLfloat dt;
+   GLfloat num[4]={0, 0, 0, 0};
+   GLfloat newCoord[2];
+   GLint s;
+   /*  Calculate the per anisotropic sample offsets in s,t space. */
+   if(Px2 > Py2) {
+      numSamples=ceil(SQRTF(Px2));
+      ds=ux / ((GLfloat)img->Width2);
+      dt=vx / ((GLfloat)img->Height2);
+   }
+   else {
+      numSamples=ceil(SQRTF(Py2));
+      ds=uy / ((GLfloat)img->Width2);
+      dt=vy / ((GLfloat)img->Height2);
+   }
+   for(s = 0; s<numSamples; s++) {
+      newCoord[0]=texcoord[0]+ds*((GLfloat)(s+1)/(numSamples+1)-0.5);
+      newCoord[1]=texcoord[1]+dt*((GLfloat)(s+1)/(numSamples+1)-0.5);
+      sample_2d_linear(ctx, tObj, img, newCoord, rgba);
+      num[0]+= rgba[0];
+      num[1]+= rgba[1];
+      num[2]+= rgba[2];
+      num[3]+= rgba[3];
+    }
+   rgba[0]=num[0] / numSamples;
+   rgba[1]=num[1] / numSamples;
+   rgba[2]=num[2] / numSamples;
+   rgba[3]=num[3] / numSamples;
+ * Returns the index of the specified texture object in the
+ * gl_context texture unit array.
+ */
+static INLINE GLuint
+texture_unit_index(const struct gl_context *ctx,
+                 const struct gl_texture_object *tObj) {
+   const GLuint maxUnit
+      = (ctx->Texture._EnabledCoordUnits > 1) ? ctx->Const.MaxTextureUnits : 1;
+   GLuint u;
+   /* XXX CoordUnits vs. ImageUnits */
+   for (u = 0; u < maxUnit; u++) {
+      if (ctx->Texture.Unit[u]._Current == tObj) break; // found
+   }
+   if(u >= maxUnit) u = 0; /* not found, use 1st one; should never happen */
+   return u;
+ * Sample 2D texture using an anisotropic filter.
+ * NOTE: the const GLfloat lambda_iso[] parameter does *NOT* contain
+ * the lambda float array but a "hidden" SWspan struct which is required
+ * by this function but is not available in the texture_sample_func signature.
+ * See _swrast_texture_span( struct gl_context *ctx, SWspan *span ) on how
+ * this function is called.
+ */
+static void
+sample_lambda_2d_aniso(struct gl_context *ctx,
+                 const struct gl_texture_object *tObj,
+                 GLuint n, const GLfloat texcoords[][4],
+                 const GLfloat lambda_iso[], GLfloat rgba[][4])
+   const struct gl_texture_image *tImg = tObj->Image[0][tObj->BaseLevel];
+   const GLfloat maxEccentricity = tObj->Sampler.MaxAnisotropy * tObj->Sampler.MaxAnisotropy;
+   /* re-calculate the lambda values so that they are usable with anisotropic
+    * filtering
+    */
+   SWspan *span=(SWspan *)lambda_iso; /* access the "hidden" SWspan struct */
+   /* based on interpolate_texcoords(struct gl_context *ctx, SWspan *span)
+    * in swrast/s_span.c
+    */
+   /* find the texture unit index by looking up the current texture object
+    * from the context list of available texture obbjects.
+    */
+   const GLuint u = texture_unit_index(ctx, tObj);
+   const GLuint attr = FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX0 + u;
+   GLfloat texW, texH;
+   const GLfloat dsdx = span->attrStepX[attr][0];
+   const GLfloat dsdy = span->attrStepY[attr][0];
+   const GLfloat dtdx = span->attrStepX[attr][1];
+   const GLfloat dtdy = span->attrStepY[attr][1];
+   const GLfloat dqdx = span->attrStepX[attr][3];
+   const GLfloat dqdy = span->attrStepY[attr][3];
+   GLfloat s = span->attrStart[attr][0] + span->leftClip * dsdx;
+   GLfloat t = span->attrStart[attr][1] + span->leftClip * dtdx;
+   GLfloat q = span->attrStart[attr][3] + span->leftClip * dqdx;
+   /* from swrast/s_texcombine.c _swrast_texture_span */
+   const struct gl_texture_unit *texUnit = &ctx->Texture.Unit[u];
+   const GLboolean adjustLOD=(texUnit->LodBias + tObj->Sampler.LodBias != 0.0F)
+      || (tObj->Sampler.MinLod != -1000.0 || tObj->Sampler.MaxLod != 1000.0);
+   GLuint i;
+   /* on first access create the lookup table containing the filter weights. */
+   if(!weightLut) {
+      create_filter_table();
+   }
+   texW = tImg->WidthScale;
+   texH = tImg->HeightScale;
+   for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+      const GLfloat invQ = (q == 0.0F) ? 1.0F : (1.0F / q);
+      GLfloat dudx = texW * ((s + dsdx) / (q + dqdx) - s * invQ);
+      GLfloat dvdx = texH * ((t + dtdx) / (q + dqdx) - t * invQ);
+      GLfloat dudy = texW * ((s + dsdy) / (q + dqdy) - s * invQ);
+      GLfloat dvdy = texH * ((t + dtdy) / (q + dqdy) - t * invQ);
+	    /* note: instead of working with Px and Py, we will use the 
+	     * squared length instead, to avoid sqrt.
+	     */
+	    GLfloat Px2=dudx*dudx + dvdx*dvdx;
+	    GLfloat Py2=dudy*dudy + dvdy*dvdy;
+	    GLfloat Pmax2;
+	    GLfloat Pmin2;
+	    GLfloat e;
+	    GLfloat lod;
+	    s += dsdx;
+      t += dtdx;
+      q += dqdx;
+	    if (Px2 < Py2) {
+	    	Pmax2=Py2;
+        Pmin2=Px2;
+      }
+      else {
+      	Pmax2=Px2;
+      	Pmin2=Py2;
+      }
+      /* if the eccentricity of the ellipse is too big, scale up the shorter
+       * of the two vectors to limit the maximum amount of work per pixel
+       */
+      e = Pmax2 / Pmin2;
+      if (e > maxEccentricity) {
+        /* GLfloat s=e / maxEccentricity;
+        minor[0] *= s;
+        minor[1] *= s;
+        Pmin2 *= s; */
+        Pmin2 = Pmax2 / maxEccentricity;
+      }
+      /* note: we need to have Pmin=sqrt(Pmin2) here, but we can avoid
+       * this since 0.5*log(x) = log(sqrt(x))
+       */
+      lod = 0.5 * LOG2(Pmin2);
+      if(adjustLOD) {
+      	 /* from swrast/s_texcombine.c _swrast_texture_span */
+         if (texUnit->LodBias + tObj->Sampler.LodBias != 0.0F) {
+            /* apply LOD bias, but don't clamp yet */
+            const GLfloat bias = CLAMP(texUnit->LodBias + tObj->Sampler.LodBias,
+                        -ctx->Const.MaxTextureLodBias,
+                        ctx->Const.MaxTextureLodBias);
+            lod += bias;
+            if (tObj->Sampler.MinLod != -1000.0 ||
+                tObj->Sampler.MaxLod != 1000.0) {
+               /* apply LOD clamping to lambda */
+               const GLfloat min = tObj->Sampler.MinLod;
+               const GLfloat max = tObj->Sampler.MaxLod;
+               lod = CLAMP(lod, min, max);
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      /* If the ellipse covers the whole image, we can
+       * simply return the average of the whole image.
+       */
+      if (lod >= tObj->_MaxLevel) {
+         sample_2d_linear(ctx, tObj, tObj->Image[0][tObj->_MaxLevel],
+                          texcoords[i], rgba[i]);
+      }
+	    else {
+        /* don't bother interpolating between multiple LODs; it doesn't
+         * seem to be worth the extra running time.
+         */
+        sample_2d_ewa(ctx, tObj, texcoords[i],
+                      dudx, dvdx, dudy, dvdy, floor(lod), rgba[i]);
+/*      sample_2d_footprint(ctx, tObj, texcoords[i],
+                            dudx, dvdx, dudy, dvdy, floor(lod), rgba[i]);
+      }
+   }
+/* Anisotropic filtering extension end */
 /*                    3-D Texture Sampling Functions                  */
@@ -3221,6 +3603,11 @@ _swrast_choose_texture_sample_func( struct gl_context *ctx,
             return &sample_depth_texture;
          else if (needLambda) {
+            /* Anisotropic filtering extension. Activated only if mipmaps are used */
+            if (t->Sampler.MaxAnisotropy > 1.0 &&
+                t->Sampler.MinFilter == GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR) {
+               return &sample_lambda_2d_aniso;
+            }
             return &sample_lambda_2d;
          else if (t->Sampler.MinFilter == GL_LINEAR) {

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