Jose Fonseca jfonseca at vmware.com
Sat Oct 8 05:55:09 PDT 2011

Just noticed that the latest glext.h doesn't define DEPTH_BUFFER/STENCIL_BUFFER anymore. This is what enum.spec says:

# Due to a syncing problem between the ARB_framebuffer_object extension
# specification and the core API specification during development, the
# following tokens were present in the .spec file for some time. They are
# not actually used anywhere in the OpenGL API or extensions and have been
# withdrawn (use DEPTH or STENCIL respectively, instead, as <attachment>
# parameters to GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv).
#    DEPTH_BUFFER                    = 0x8223
#    STENCIL_BUFFER                  = 0x8224

But Mesa code actually seems to do the opposite, i.e., GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv handles DEPTH_BUFFER but not DEPTH.

The GL specs is consistent with the comment.

So I think it's better to remove this. Any objects?


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