[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 4/4] dri: Make "reverting to software direct rendering" a critical error.

Eugeni Dodonov eugeni at dodonov.net
Sat Feb 4 12:15:33 PST 2012

On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 23:14, Carl Worth <cworth at cworth.org> wrote:

> Something has gone wrong if we have to revert to software rendering.
> The user really should be made aware of this, (and instructed to set
> LIBGL_DEBUG for more details).
> ---
>  src/glx/dri_glx.c |    2 +-
>  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

For the series:
Reviewed-by: Eugeni Dodonov <eugeni.dodonov at intel.com>

Reverting to software rendering (or indirect rendering) is usually a
symptom of something being very very wrong, but right now we do not inform
the users about this clearly enough. So in some cases, what happens is the
reaction like "everything still works, but slower" - which adds some
additional steps to the issue triaging. So I am all for this change.

Eugeni Dodonov
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