[Mesa-dev] [GLU Tesselator] abort current tesselation

Lukas Rössler pontomedon at gmail.com
Tue May 22 00:26:31 PDT 2012

Hi everybody!

I'm currently working with the GLU tesselator and I need the ability to 
abort a tesselation process at any state, as fast as possible (so 
calling gluTessEndPolygon is not an option). Additionally i would like 
to be able to re-use the GLUtesselator object afterwards.

Is the following addition to the API sufficient to do that, or am I 
missing something?

/* glu.h */
GLAPI void GLAPIENTRY gluTessAbort (GLUtesselator* tess);

/* tess.c */
gluTessAbort( GLUtesselator* tess )
     MakeDormant( tess );


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