[Mesa-dev] renaming i965g

Chia-I Wu olvaffe at gmail.com
Wed Apr 17 23:29:47 PDT 2013

Hi list,

Per the discussion, i965g is confusing and misleading.  Instead of
preventing the confusions via

  --with-gallium-drivers=i965g-unofficial or

which kind of makes i965g a second-class citizen, I think it is better
to rename it.  Then whenever one sees i965, be it on mailing list or
in a commit message, we know it refers to the official driver that
Intel supports.

Let's say the new name is iFoo.  The gallium driver will be enabled
via --with-gallium-drivers=iFoo, and the DRI driver will be named
iFoo_dri.so.  Users will need to rename it to use it, and I hope this
extra step will avoid the confusions.

I'd like to call it igen, so that I do not need to reflow the code
after running sed -i 's/i965/igen/g'.  But I am pretty bad at naming.
If this approach or the name is frowned upon, please let me know.

olv at LunarG.com

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