[Mesa-dev] Interest in participating in the OPW with X.org

Brian Paul brianp at vmware.com
Wed Sep 24 07:16:03 PDT 2014

Hi Juliet,

There's definitely work that can be done for Piglit.  For example, 
porting the old Glean tests to piglit's framework.

I suggest we move this conversation to the Piglit mailing list though. 
The list is piglit at lists.freedesktop.org and you can subscribe at 


On 09/24/2014 07:22 AM, Juliet Fru wrote:
> Hello,
> Thanks for the reply. I'll download and build piglit, take a look at the
> various tests written in it and either come up with a project to work
> on, or wait for some ideas from mentors to take on as a project. I will
> like to know whether any documentation work could be a viable project?
> Thanks,
> Juliet
> On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 6:06 AM, Peter Hutterer
> <peter.hutterer at who-t.net <mailto:peter.hutterer at who-t.net>> wrote:
>     Hi Juliet,
>     sorry about the delay, thanks for the email. I don't personally work
>     on mesa
>     so I'll wait if anyone on the list has a project to propose here.
>     On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 07:52:38PM +0100, Juliet Fru wrote:
>      > I am Juliet Fru, a second year student of Computer Engineering at the
>      > University of Buea. I am interested in participating in the OPW
>     this year.
>      > I've never worked on an open source project before; and I'll like
>     to have
>      > this first experience with Xorg. I am proficient in C and i'm
>     interested in
>      > writing tests for piglit. I'll like to know based on my
>     discussions on IRC
>      > whether there is any programmer who is working on some
>     functionality he/she
>      > would need me to write unit tests for? I would like to work on
>     writing
>      > tests as my OPW project.
>     One of the best ways to start is to build and run piglit and see if
>     anything
>     needs fixing. That way you get familiar with the code-base and the
>     developers get to know you as well. Having a bit of a reputation from
>     sending patches is a good thing to have.
>     Cheers,
>         Peter
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