[Mesa-dev] [PATCH] glsl/list: Note that exec_lists may not be realloc'd.

Matt Turner mattst88 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 2 17:28:37 PST 2015

 src/glsl/list.h | 4 ++++
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/glsl/list.h b/src/glsl/list.h
index 85368a4..6f1a57b 100644
--- a/src/glsl/list.h
+++ b/src/glsl/list.h
@@ -51,6 +51,10 @@
  * Therefore, if \c head->next is \c NULL or \c tail_prev->prev is \c NULL,
  * the list is empty.
+ * Do note that this means that the list nodes will contain pointers into the
+ * list structure itself and as a result you may not \c realloc() an  \c
+ * exec_list or any instructure in which an \c exec_list is embedded.
+ *
  * To anyone familiar with "exec lists" on the Amiga, this structure should
  * be immediately recognizable.  See the following link for the original Amiga
  * operating system documentation on the subject.

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