[Mesa-dev] Newbie task to get started

Jason Ekstrand jason at jlekstrand.net
Mon Apr 11 07:14:32 UTC 2016

Thanks for your interest and welcome to the mailing list!  Yes, the
NewbieProjects page, as with much of the mesa documentation, is a bit
dated.  Before I can really tell you where to start, it would be good to
have a bit of background:

 1) What graphics hardware do you have access to?  That will influence what
you can work on. :-)

 2) What kind of graphics experience do you have?  Have you ever written a
program that uses OpenGL?

 3) Do you have any compiler experience?  If not, that's ok, but be warned
that you might be getting some. ;-)

 4) Is there a particular area you like to work on?  If you have something
in particular that might help guide what you do.  If you don't have any
particular area, that's just fine.

The only real firm requirement to work on mesa is a decent working
knowledge of C.  Beyond that, there are a number of different projects that
one could work on that require varying levels of skill and/or experience.
These include writing tests, adding compiler optimizations, or even hooking
up simple extensions.

On Sun, Apr 10, 2016 at 12:45 PM, Jakob Sinclair <
sinclair.jakob at openmailbox.org> wrote:

> Hi! My name is Jakob Sinclair and I would like to start contributing to
> mesa development. I was wondering if anyone has any easy tasks that I as a
> newbie could start working on. I tried looking at
> https://wiki.freedesktop.org/dri/NewbieProjects/ but it seems that page
> is outdated and most of the tasks over there have already been done. Thanks
> in advance for your help!
> --
> Jakob Sinclair
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