[Mesa-dev] Discussion: C++11 std::future in Mesa

Patrick Baggett baggett.patrick at gmail.com
Wed Jun 1 17:40:20 UTC 2016

> No. Shader compilation can only be asynchronous if it's far enough
> from a draw call and the app doesn't query its status. If it's next to
> a draw call, multithreading is useless. Completely useless.

I don't know a lot about the shader compilation/linking process, so
I'm just asking this for my own benefit.

I read that the optimizations take a long time. Is it possible to
create a sort of -O0 version of the shader while the real version is
generated by some thread pool? Or would there be some shaders that
would just fail to run unless optimization took place (and the
developers count on that)?

> We need to get below 33 ms for all shaders needed to be compiled to
> render a frame. If there are 10 VS and 10 PS, one shader must be
> compiled within 1.65 ms on average. I don't see where your random
> guess meets that goal.
> Marek
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