[Mesa-dev] android: patches for upcoming mesa 17.0 release

Mauro Rossi issor.oruam at gmail.com
Tue Jan 10 09:03:23 UTC 2017

2017-01-10 9:38 GMT+01:00 Tapani Pälli <tapani.palli at intel.com>:
> Patches 1 & 2
> (we've had patch 1 for some time in android-ia but forgot to send it)
> Reviewed-by: Tapani Pälli <tapani.palli at intel.com>
> Patch 3 is not needed, this change is already in Mesa. I'll try to
> compile-test the rest. For some reason this series does not apply for me as
> is, patches 7,8,10,11 are causing some issues and need to be rebased.
> (I've compile-tested the others on Android-IA with our 13 patches diff on
> top and did not see issues)

Hi Tapani,

Thanks for reviewing

Patches 7, 8 depend on the changes for marshmallow I've posted in in
the thread [PATCH 07/12],
but looking at the formatting gmail may have added an unneeded CR+LF
in line 37 before the endif.

Patches 10, 11 i.e. the ones touching src/gallium/targets/dri/Android.mk
do depend on the patches sent by Zhen Wu in the part that removes
static linking of R600 libraries

Yesterday, I forgot to mention this, but I did not wanted to interfere
with Zhen Wu's work.

I'll keep in touch with you during mesa 17.0.0rc cycle, to highlight
any issue on mesa 17.0 final


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