[Mesa-dev] create src/wsi

Nicolai Hähnle nhaehnle at gmail.com
Mon Oct 23 13:27:13 UTC 2017

On 21.10.2017 03:00, Dylan Baker wrote:
> This very short series creates a new src/wsi folder, and moves wayland-drm into
> it. Basically wsi stuff is scattered about, and is needed by multiple components
> within mesa, wayland-drm, for example, is used by EGL, GBM, and vulkan
> wayland-wsi.
> I think there's more that could be moved into wsi, we could move EGL, GBM, and
> GLX, and vulkan/wsi, for example.

The general thrust sounds good to me.

Is there a clean model for what should go into src/wsi and what 
shouldn't? Where's the boundary?

For an example of the type of headaches, does DRI driver code (stuff 
that ends up in xxx_dri.so, for example) count as part of src/wsi? If 
so, then what about gallium/state_trackers/dri? What about 

I don't have a full picture of all this code so it's hard for me to say, 
but I really hope your changes will lead to a clearer picture overall :)


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