[Mesa-dev] [PATCH mesa] meson: be explicit about the version required

Dylan Baker dylan at pnwbakers.com
Tue Oct 24 21:48:25 UTC 2017

Quoting Eric Engestrom (2017-10-24 10:32:36)
> On Tuesday, 2017-10-24 09:40:22 -0700, Dylan Baker wrote:
> > This seems reasonable, could you wrap the hanging indent like meson_options with
> > the closing brace on it's own line and with each option on its own line?
> > ie:
> > project(
> >   mesa
> >   ...
> > )
> Done
> > 
> > With that:
> > Reviewed-by: Dylan Baker <dylan at pnwbakers.com>
> Thanks :)
> Before I push it, there was an implied question, let's make it explicit:
> Which version do we want here? How far back do we want to support Meson?
> I don't know much about the history of Meson and of its features, so
> I have no idea how much effort it would be to support some previous
> version.

Well, it's an interesting question. I have tested back to 0.42 now (that's
what's in our CI). If you're using a LLVM and LLVM is in a standard system
location (say /usr/lib) (which is every Linux distro except Debian) and you want
to use PKG_CONFIG_PATH or similar, then you need 0.43.1 (which isn't out yet).
If you want static LLVM linking you'll need 0.44 (all of the LLVM stuff is my
fault, sorry). We have some hacks that could be replaced with standard features
in 0.43.0, but requiring the latest version of meson is kinda mean.

0.41.0 is the absolute oldest we can realistically support. LLVM support landed
in 0.41.0 and there are enough drivers that need LLVM I don't think it's worth
supporting older versions.

I think 0.42 is nice compromise for now. I think we'll ultimately want/need to
bump that requirement.

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