[Mesa-dev] How to know which exact llvm version to build/link against?

Andrew A. andj2223 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 7 09:17:22 UTC 2018

On Wed, Feb 7, 2018 at 1:16 AM, Andrew A. <andj2223 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I often pull down the latest mesa from the git repo and find that I
> have to muck around with building several different llvm versions
> before I find one that mesa will successfully build/link against.
> For any given mesa git revision, how can I find out which llvm version
> it should be built and linked against? Preferably there would be a
> document in the mesa git repo that gets updated with whatever llvm
> revision/version should be used, but if that's not available, a
> webpage or the like would be fine too.
> Thanks!

Also, just for reference: When I build mesa, I build it with llvmpipe
support enabled.

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