[Mesa-dev] [ANNOUNCE] Mesa 18.1.2 release candidate

Juan A. Suarez Romero jasuarez at igalia.com
Mon Jun 18 17:05:59 UTC 2018

On Mon, 2018-06-18 at 09:56 -0700, Dylan Baker wrote:
> Quoting Juan A. Suarez Romero (2018-06-18 00:22:02)
> > On Fri, 2018-06-15 at 12:47 -0400, Ilia Mirkin wrote:
> > > On Fri, Jun 15, 2018 at 12:36 PM, Dylan Baker <dylan at pnwbakers.com> wrote:
> > > > I don't even understand why we make these announcements TBH. I have a public
> > > > 18.1-proposed branch that I push to *every weekday*. Anyone can pull that branch
> > > > *anytime* to get the latest version. The only thing the announce email really
> > > > serves AFAICT, is to say "the staging/proposed branch has been merged to the
> > > > release branch". I don't think that's all that interesting TBH.
> > > 
> > > "any time" means "no time". The announcement is "speak now or forever
> > > hold your peace". Gives driver teams a chance to review the list and
> > > test things out before they go out into a full release. Should they be
> > > doing this daily/continuously? Probably. But that's not the current
> > > state.
> > > 
> > 
> > I agree on this. And I think the reason to wait 48h is to give time enough for
> > teams to do proper testing, specially when there are many timezones that people
> > get the pre-announcement several hours later.
> > 
> > 
> > But, I also think that the pre-announcement is too much verbose. It includes lot
> > of information that can be easily get from the git branch itself. The only thing
> > I would probably keep is about trivial conflicts, sending an explicit email to
> > the authors to say "I [slightly] changed your commit; please, take a look just
> > in case", and the rejected patch list, also mailing the authors.
> I follow up with authors about changes immediately. If it was rejected I reply
> to the original patch letting them know I'm not planning to pull the commit and
> why. If there's conflicts I ask the original author to look at the changes I've
> made before pulling them into the staging branch. It feels much too late to be
> asking someone to do that when the release is happening shortly.

Yeah, you're right. Actually I do exactly the same, that's why I said "would
probably keep". But as you said, once the affected authors are notified,
everyone else can know about rejected/fixed conflicts just taking a look at the
list of commits. So we could remove that from the pre-announcement.


> Dylan

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