[Mesa-dev] [PATCH v10 12/20] configure.ac, meson: Check for SPIRV-Tools and llvm-spirv

Dylan Baker dylan at pnwbakers.com
Wed Jan 9 19:11:33 UTC 2019

Quoting Pierre Moreau (2019-01-09 10:54:52)
> On 2019-01-08 — 15:18, Dylan Baker wrote:
> [snip]
> > >    dep_clc = dependency('libclc')
> > > +  dep_spirv_tools = dependency('SPIRV-Tools', required : false, version : '>= 2018.0')
> > > +  # LLVMSPIRVLib is available at https://github.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-LLVM-Translator
> > > +  dep_llvmspirvlib = dependency('LLVMSPIRVLib', required : false, version : '>= 0.2.1')
> > > +  if dep_spirv_tools.found() and dep_llvmspirvlib.found()
> > > +    pre_args += '-DCLOVER_ALLOW_SPIRV'
> > > +  endif
> > 
> > As-is this is what distros call "automagical", and they don't like it :). There
> > is a case like this is for xlib-lease as well, I'd really like this to have an
> > option to control it, something similar to the way that xlib-lease works.
> > 
> > Dylan
> [snip]
> Absolutely! I can’t remember why I didn’t went that way. I’ll prepare a v11
> that only looks for the dependencies if an enable flag (I’m thinking
> `gallium_opencl_spirv` for Meson and `enable-opencl-spirv` for autotools) is
> specified, and the dependencies would now be mandatory.
> Pierre

thanks! Just FYI, our meson build uses - in option names, not _. And, I'd prefer
just "opencl-spirv". When I make the command line "gallium-opencl", we (Intel)
were still firmly in the not gallium world, now that we have iris and are moving
toward gallium I'm not sure I made the right decision :/

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