[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 7/8] radv: add mipmaps support for color decompressions (DCC/FMASK/CMASK)

Samuel Pitoiset samuel.pitoiset at gmail.com
Mon Jun 17 20:15:35 UTC 2019

On 6/17/19 10:09 PM, Bas Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 17, 2019 at 10:06 PM Samuel Pitoiset
> <samuel.pitoiset at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 6/17/19 10:01 PM, Bas Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
>>> On Mon, Jun 17, 2019 at 12:41 PM Samuel Pitoiset
>>> <samuel.pitoiset at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> And some cleanups.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Samuel Pitoiset <samuel.pitoiset at gmail.com>
>>>> ---
>>>>    src/amd/vulkan/radv_meta_fast_clear.c | 228 +++++++++++++++-----------
>>>>    1 file changed, 129 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-)
>>>> diff --git a/src/amd/vulkan/radv_meta_fast_clear.c b/src/amd/vulkan/radv_meta_fast_clear.c
>>>> index eba0477c405..1e7eb80618f 100644
>>>> --- a/src/amd/vulkan/radv_meta_fast_clear.c
>>>> +++ b/src/amd/vulkan/radv_meta_fast_clear.c
>>>> @@ -564,25 +564,89 @@ radv_emit_set_predication_state_from_image(struct radv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
>>>>           si_emit_set_predication_state(cmd_buffer, true, va);
>>>>    }
>>>> -/**
>>>> - */
>>>>    static void
>>>> -radv_emit_color_decompress(struct radv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
>>>> -                           struct radv_image *image,
>>>> -                           const VkImageSubresourceRange *subresourceRange,
>>>> -                           bool decompress_dcc)
>>>> +radv_process_color_image_layer(struct radv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
>>>> +                              struct radv_image *image,
>>>> +                              const VkImageSubresourceRange *range,
>>>> +                              int level, int layer)
>>>> +{
>>>> +       struct radv_device *device = cmd_buffer->device;
>>>> +       struct radv_image_view iview;
>>>> +       uint32_t width, height;
>>>> +
>>>> +       width = radv_minify(image->info.width, range->baseMipLevel + level);
>>>> +       height = radv_minify(image->info.height, range->baseMipLevel + level);
>>>> +
>>>> +       radv_image_view_init(&iview, device,
>>>> +                            &(VkImageViewCreateInfo) {
>>>> +                               .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_VIEW_CREATE_INFO,
>>>> +                               .image = radv_image_to_handle(image),
>>>> +                               .viewType = radv_meta_get_view_type(image),
>>>> +                               .format = image->vk_format,
>>>> +                               .subresourceRange = {
>>>> +                                       .aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT,
>>>> +                                       .baseMipLevel = range->baseMipLevel + level,
>>>> +                                       .levelCount = 1,
>>>> +                                       .baseArrayLayer = range->baseArrayLayer + layer,
>>>> +                                       .layerCount = 1,
>>>> +                                },
>>>> +                             });
>>>> +
>>>> +       VkFramebuffer fb_h;
>>>> +       radv_CreateFramebuffer(radv_device_to_handle(device),
>>>> +                              &(VkFramebufferCreateInfo) {
>>>> +                                       .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_INFO,
>>>> +                                       .attachmentCount = 1,
>>>> +                                       .pAttachments = (VkImageView[]) {
>>>> +                                               radv_image_view_to_handle(&iview)
>>>> +                                       },
>>>> +                                       .width = width,
>>>> +                                       .height = height,
>>>> +                                       .layers = 1
>>>> +                               }, &cmd_buffer->pool->alloc, &fb_h);
>>>> +
>>>> +       radv_CmdBeginRenderPass(radv_cmd_buffer_to_handle(cmd_buffer),
>>>> +                               &(VkRenderPassBeginInfo) {
>>>> +                                       .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_RENDER_PASS_BEGIN_INFO,
>>>> +                                       .renderPass = device->meta_state.fast_clear_flush.pass,
>>>> +                                       .framebuffer = fb_h,
>>>> +                                       .renderArea = {
>>>> +                                               .offset = {
>>>> +                                                       0,
>>>> +                                                       0,
>>>> +                                               },
>>>> +                                               .extent = {
>>>> +                                                       width,
>>>> +                                                       height,
>>>> +                                               }
>>>> +                                       },
>>>> +                                       .clearValueCount = 0,
>>>> +                                       .pClearValues = NULL,
>>>> +                               }, VK_SUBPASS_CONTENTS_INLINE);
>>>> +
>>>> +       radv_CmdDraw(radv_cmd_buffer_to_handle(cmd_buffer), 3, 1, 0, 0);
>>>> +
>>>> +       cmd_buffer->state.flush_bits |= RADV_CMD_FLAG_FLUSH_AND_INV_CB |
>>>> +                                       RADV_CMD_FLAG_FLUSH_AND_INV_CB_META;
>>> Move this to the end of radv_process_color_image? (i.e. after the
>>> loop) Otherwise, r-b
>> Hmm, I think we need to flush after each layer?
>> Also moving this after the loop changes behavior, while this patch only
>> moves around code?
> Well, the layers should not overlap so I don't think we need to flush
> in between layers, but if you feel strongly about not changing
> behavior it is fine, I guess.
> Though don't be surprised if I send a small optimization patch afterwards. :P
Note that radeonsi does flush for DCC/FMASK decompressions.
>>>> +
>>>> +       radv_CmdEndRenderPass(radv_cmd_buffer_to_handle(cmd_buffer));
>>>> +
>>>> +       radv_DestroyFramebuffer(radv_device_to_handle(device), fb_h,
>>>> +                               &cmd_buffer->pool->alloc);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static void
>>>> +radv_process_color_image(struct radv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
>>>> +                        struct radv_image *image,
>>>> +                        const VkImageSubresourceRange *subresourceRange,
>>>> +                        VkPipeline *pipeline)
>>>>    {
>>>>           struct radv_meta_saved_state saved_state;
>>>> -       VkDevice device_h = radv_device_to_handle(cmd_buffer->device);
>>>> -       VkCommandBuffer cmd_buffer_h = radv_cmd_buffer_to_handle(cmd_buffer);
>>>> -       uint32_t layer_count = radv_get_layerCount(image, subresourceRange);
>>>> -       bool old_predicating = false;
>>>> -       VkPipeline pipeline;
>>>> -       assert(cmd_buffer->queue_family_index == RADV_QUEUE_GENERAL);
>>>> +       if (!*pipeline) {
>>>> +               VkResult ret;
>>>> -       if (!cmd_buffer->device->meta_state.fast_clear_flush.cmask_eliminate_pipeline) {
>>>> -               VkResult ret = radv_device_init_meta_fast_clear_flush_state_internal(cmd_buffer->device);
>>>> +               ret = radv_device_init_meta_fast_clear_flush_state_internal(cmd_buffer->device);
>>>>                   if (ret != VK_SUCCESS) {
>>>>                           cmd_buffer->record_result = ret;
>>>>                           return;
>>>> @@ -593,12 +657,59 @@ radv_emit_color_decompress(struct radv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
>>>>                          RADV_META_SAVE_GRAPHICS_PIPELINE |
>>>>                          RADV_META_SAVE_PASS);
>>>> +       radv_CmdBindPipeline(radv_cmd_buffer_to_handle(cmd_buffer),
>>>> +                            VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS, *pipeline);
>>>> +
>>>> +       for (uint32_t l = 0; l < radv_get_levelCount(image, subresourceRange); ++l) {
>>>> +               uint32_t width =
>>>> +                       radv_minify(image->info.width,
>>>> +                                   subresourceRange->baseMipLevel + l);
>>>> +               uint32_t height =
>>>> +                       radv_minify(image->info.height,
>>>> +                                   subresourceRange->baseMipLevel + l);
>>>> +
>>>> +               radv_CmdSetViewport(radv_cmd_buffer_to_handle(cmd_buffer), 0, 1,
>>>> +                                   &(VkViewport) {
>>>> +                                       .x = 0,
>>>> +                                       .y = 0,
>>>> +                                       .width = width,
>>>> +                                       .height = height,
>>>> +                                       .minDepth = 0.0f,
>>>> +                                       .maxDepth = 1.0f
>>>> +                                   });
>>>> +
>>>> +               radv_CmdSetScissor(radv_cmd_buffer_to_handle(cmd_buffer), 0, 1,
>>>> +                                  &(VkRect2D) {
>>>> +                                       .offset = { 0, 0 },
>>>> +                                       .extent = { width, height },
>>>> +                                  });
>>>> +
>>>> +               for (uint32_t s = 0; s < radv_get_layerCount(image, subresourceRange); s++) {
>>>> +                       radv_process_color_image_layer(cmd_buffer, image,
>>>> +                                                      subresourceRange, l, s);
>>>> +               }
>>>> +       }
>>>> +
>>>> +       radv_meta_restore(&saved_state, cmd_buffer);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static void
>>>> +radv_emit_color_decompress(struct radv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
>>>> +                           struct radv_image *image,
>>>> +                           const VkImageSubresourceRange *subresourceRange,
>>>> +                           bool decompress_dcc)
>>>> +{
>>>> +       bool old_predicating = false;
>>>> +       VkPipeline *pipeline;
>>>> +
>>>> +       assert(cmd_buffer->queue_family_index == RADV_QUEUE_GENERAL);
>>>> +
>>>>           if (decompress_dcc && radv_image_has_dcc(image)) {
>>>> -               pipeline = cmd_buffer->device->meta_state.fast_clear_flush.dcc_decompress_pipeline;
>>>> +               pipeline = &cmd_buffer->device->meta_state.fast_clear_flush.dcc_decompress_pipeline;
>>>>           } else if (radv_image_has_fmask(image)) {
>>>> -               pipeline = cmd_buffer->device->meta_state.fast_clear_flush.fmask_decompress_pipeline;
>>>> +               pipeline = &cmd_buffer->device->meta_state.fast_clear_flush.fmask_decompress_pipeline;
>>>>           } else {
>>>> -               pipeline = cmd_buffer->device->meta_state.fast_clear_flush.cmask_eliminate_pipeline;
>>>> +               pipeline = &cmd_buffer->device->meta_state.fast_clear_flush.cmask_eliminate_pipeline;
>>>>           }
>>>>           if (radv_image_has_dcc(image)) {
>>>> @@ -612,87 +723,8 @@ radv_emit_color_decompress(struct radv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
>>>>                   cmd_buffer->state.predicating = true;
>>>>           }
>>>> -       radv_CmdBindPipeline(cmd_buffer_h, VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS,
>>>> -                            pipeline);
>>>> -
>>>> -       radv_CmdSetViewport(cmd_buffer_h, 0, 1, &(VkViewport) {
>>>> -               .x = 0,
>>>> -               .y = 0,
>>>> -               .width = image->info.width,
>>>> -               .height = image->info.height,
>>>> -               .minDepth = 0.0f,
>>>> -               .maxDepth = 1.0f
>>>> -       });
>>>> -
>>>> -       radv_CmdSetScissor(cmd_buffer_h, 0, 1, &(VkRect2D) {
>>>> -               .offset = (VkOffset2D) { 0, 0 },
>>>> -               .extent = (VkExtent2D) { image->info.width, image->info.height },
>>>> -       });
>>>> -
>>>> -       for (uint32_t layer = 0; layer < layer_count; ++layer) {
>>>> -               struct radv_image_view iview;
>>>> -
>>>> -               radv_image_view_init(&iview, cmd_buffer->device,
>>>> -                                    &(VkImageViewCreateInfo) {
>>>> -                                            .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_VIEW_CREATE_INFO,
>>>> -                                            .image = radv_image_to_handle(image),
>>>> -                                            .viewType = radv_meta_get_view_type(image),
>>>> -                                            .format = image->vk_format,
>>>> -                                            .subresourceRange = {
>>>> -                                                    .aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT,
>>>> -                                                    .baseMipLevel = 0,
>>>> -                                                    .levelCount = 1,
>>>> -                                                    .baseArrayLayer = subresourceRange->baseArrayLayer + layer,
>>>> -                                                    .layerCount = 1,
>>>> -                                             },
>>>> -                                    });
>>>> -
>>>> -               VkFramebuffer fb_h;
>>>> -               radv_CreateFramebuffer(device_h,
>>>> -                               &(VkFramebufferCreateInfo) {
>>>> -                                       .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_FRAMEBUFFER_CREATE_INFO,
>>>> -                                       .attachmentCount = 1,
>>>> -                                       .pAttachments = (VkImageView[]) {
>>>> -                                               radv_image_view_to_handle(&iview)
>>>> -                                       },
>>>> -                                      .width = image->info.width,
>>>> -                                      .height = image->info.height,
>>>> -                                      .layers = 1
>>>> -                               },
>>>> -                               &cmd_buffer->pool->alloc,
>>>> -                               &fb_h);
>>>> -
>>>> -               radv_CmdBeginRenderPass(cmd_buffer_h,
>>>> -                                     &(VkRenderPassBeginInfo) {
>>>> -                                             .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_RENDER_PASS_BEGIN_INFO,
>>>> -                                                     .renderPass = cmd_buffer->device->meta_state.fast_clear_flush.pass,
>>>> -                                                     .framebuffer = fb_h,
>>>> -                                                     .renderArea = {
>>>> -                                                     .offset = {
>>>> -                                                             0,
>>>> -                                                             0,
>>>> -                                                     },
>>>> -                                                     .extent = {
>>>> -                                                             image->info.width,
>>>> -                                                             image->info.height,
>>>> -                                                     }
>>>> -                                             },
>>>> -                                             .clearValueCount = 0,
>>>> -                                             .pClearValues = NULL,
>>>> -                                    },
>>>> -                                    VK_SUBPASS_CONTENTS_INLINE);
>>>> -
>>>> -               radv_CmdDraw(cmd_buffer_h, 3, 1, 0, 0);
>>>> -
>>>> -               cmd_buffer->state.flush_bits |= RADV_CMD_FLAG_FLUSH_AND_INV_CB |
>>>> -                                               RADV_CMD_FLAG_FLUSH_AND_INV_CB_META;
>>>> -
>>>> -               radv_CmdEndRenderPass(cmd_buffer_h);
>>>> -
>>>> -               radv_DestroyFramebuffer(device_h, fb_h,
>>>> -                                       &cmd_buffer->pool->alloc);
>>>> +       radv_process_color_image(cmd_buffer, image, subresourceRange, pipeline);
>>>> -       }
>>>>           if (radv_image_has_dcc(image)) {
>>>>                   uint64_t pred_offset = decompress_dcc ? image->dcc_pred_offset :
>>>>                                                           image->fce_pred_offset;
>>>> @@ -720,8 +752,6 @@ radv_emit_color_decompress(struct radv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
>>>>                   if (decompress_dcc)
>>>>                           radv_update_dcc_metadata(cmd_buffer, image, subresourceRange, false);
>>>>           }
>>>> -
>>>> -       radv_meta_restore(&saved_state, cmd_buffer);
>>>>    }
>>>>    void
>>>> --
>>>> 2.22.0
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