[Mesa-dev] [clover] Compilation of latest 'libclc git' with LLVM 11.0.0git need ROCm?! - Didn't hit that ever before.

Arsenault, Matthew Matthew.Arsenault at amd.com
Wed Apr 15 03:28:34 UTC 2020

[AMD Official Use Only - Internal Distribution Only]

libclc should build with -nogpulib (and/or we could stop bothering to compile libclc with -amdhsa, and only -mesa3d, but ideally clover would have the same problem and also need -nogpulib)

From: Dieter Nützel <Dieter at nuetzel-hh.de>
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 8:25 PM
To: Mesa Devel <mesa-dev at lists.freedesktop.org>
Cc: Jan Vesely <jan.vesely at rutgers.edu>; Arsenault, Matthew <Matthew.Arsenault at amd.com>; Alexander Kornienko <alexfh at google.com>
Subject: [clover] Compilation of latest 'libclc git' with LLVM 11.0.0git need ROCm?! - Didn't hit that ever before.

[CAUTION: External Email]

Hello Jan, hello all,

compiling latest libclc git
9aa6f35 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) travis: Add LLVM 9

with LLVM 11.0.0git from today
b30246087a3 (HEAD -> master) [llvm][StringExtras] Add missing include of

./configure.py && time nice +19 make -j8

resulted in this error:

PREPARE-BUILTINS built_libs/tahiti-amdgcn--.bc
LLVM-CC amdgcn--amdhsa/lib/workitem/get_global_size.cl.bc
clang-11: error: cannot find ROCm installation.  Provide its path via
--rocm-path, or pass -nogpulib.
make: *** [Makefile:8132:
amdgcn--amdhsa/lib/workitem/get_global_size.cl.bc] Fehler 1
242.706u 1.148s 4:03.87 99.9%   0+0k 0+177176io 0pf+0w

Since when is ROCm needed?


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