[Mesa-users] Fw: Re: [directfb-users] QT with OpenGL enabled directfb....

suma s suma_s27 at yahoo.co.in
Wed Apr 6 04:00:03 PDT 2011

hai all...
i am actually expecting answer to my question regarding the loading of EGL module that i have stated below...
any one with any idea.. plz clarify this point..



--- On Tue, 22/3/11, suma s <suma_s27 at yahoo.co.in> wrote:

From: suma s <suma_s27 at yahoo.co.in>
Subject: Re: [directfb-users] QT with OpenGL enabled directfb....
To: directfb-users at directfb.org
Date: Tuesday, 22 March, 2011, 4:53 PM

but what about EGL support in Qt...i mean.. EGL is supported in QT with Directfb Backend..but the thing is...
when any application is running with OpenGL support... then directfb interface clearly says some thing like this...
Direct/Interface : Loaded Mesa implementation of IDirectFBGL
but.. when there is any application that is running with EGL support.. the application doesnt say any thing specific regarding loading of GL module... even though - ldd on an application shows that the application is using libEGL...
plz clarify

Message: 3
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2011 15:41:50 +0100
From: Denis Oliver Kropp <dok at directfb.org>
To: directfb-users at directfb.org
Subject: Re: [directfb-users] QT with OpenGL enabled directfb....
Message-ID: <4D8763AE.1080301 at directfb.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

On 23/02/11 12:23, suma s wrote:
> hai all...
>     one thing that i wanna know about QT... plz anyone clarify this...
>     Is there any way the QT can be configured to use openGL with directfb -X11 backend...
>     i mean... as of the configure script of QT that i saw.. it detects desktop OpenGL.. but runs only with X11 backend without directfb support...i.e., if QT is
>     configured to detect opengl, then QT will be built for X11...
>     even if u edit tweak the configure script to detect and configure for directfb along with OpenGL.. QT configures well.. but
 changes to makefile doesnt
>     reflect..since Makefile is auto generated....
>     if u need to configure QT for embedded linux.. it doesnt detect OpenGL..
>     so i just wanted to know about this...

There are plans to support the GL based painter in QtDirectFB backend via

I'll let you know when there are more infos.

Best regards,
  Denis Oliver Kropp

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