[RFC PATCH] huawei: handle disconnection via ^NDISSTAT unsolicited message

Ben Chan benchan at chromium.org
Tue Sep 17 20:52:17 PDT 2013

> Is there any way to avoid needing the
> "mm_broadband_modem_huawei_ignore_ndisstat_unsolicited_msg()" method?
> Why not always listen to NDISSTAT messages in the modem object and check
> whether the bearers are being connected/disconnected and avoid doing
> anything in those cases? Ideally, a bearer shouldn't ask to modify the
> modem behaviour; but the modem can check its own bearers and do
> different things based on what it sees. Think of modems with multiple
> bearers.
Done. I've uploaded a revised patch to do what you suggested.

> This whole thing of needing to ignore the unsolicited messages during
> the connection and disconnection attempts is the one complicating the
> logic a lot. How sure/unsure are you that we cannot use the unsolicited
> messages to complete the connection/disconnection attempt with these?
> Are really not reliable? Or are they and we can just use them (that
> would simplify the logic quite a lot)?

Yes, that would be ideal. But I don't have enough Huawei modems to confirm
whether the NDISSTAT unsolicited message can fully replace the NDISSTATQRY
poll. Perhaps Franko can provide more details. We can have a follow-up
patch to simplify the code.

> Also, I would just modify the regex to accept either NDISSTATQRY or
> NDISSTAT in the message; instead of creating a new regex with the
> specific string each time.

Done. The revised patch now extends the ndisstatqry parser to handle both
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