September 2013 Archives by date
Starting: Mon Sep 2 00:05:46 PDT 2013
Ending: Mon Sep 30 19:12:56 PDT 2013
Messages: 167
- [RFC PATCH] iface-modem: allow reset and factory reset operation in every state
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH] huawei: ignore ^DSDORMANT unsolicited messages
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH] huawei: ignore ^DSDORMANT unsolicited messages
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH] huawei: retry connect/disconnect attempt upon NDISSTATQRY failures
Aleksander Morgado
- ModemManager create an abnormal CDMA bearer for the LTE modem
Aleksander Morgado
- ModemManager create an abnormal CDMA bearer for the LTE modem
Fangxiaozhi (Franko)
- [PATCH] huawei: retry connect/disconnect attempt upon NDISSTATQRY failures
Ben Chan
- [PATCH] huawei: retry connect/disconnect attempt upon NDISSTATQRY failures
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH] huawei: retry connect/disconnect attempt upon NDISSTATQRY failures
Ben Chan
- [PATCH] huawei: ignore ^DSDORMANT unsolicited messages
Dan Williams
- [MM][PATCH] modem: add support for 3GPP Vendor PCO info
Aleksander Morgado
- ModemManager create an abnormal CDMA bearer for the LTE modem
Fangxiaozhi (Franko)
- [PATCH v2] huawei: retry connect/disconnect attempt upon ^NDISSTATQRY? failures
Ben Chan
- [PATCH] huawei: retry connect/disconnect attempt upon NDISSTATQRY failures
Ben Chan
- [MM][PATCH] modem: add support for 3GPP Vendor PCO info
Ori Inbar
- ModemManager create an abnormal CDMA bearer for the LTE modem
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH v2] huawei: retry connect/disconnect attempt upon ^NDISSTATQRY? failures
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH] huawei: ignore ^DSDORMANT unsolicited messages
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH v3] huawei: retry connect/disconnect attempt upon ^NDISSTATQRY? failures
Ben Chan
- [PATCH v2] huawei: retry connect/disconnect attempt upon ^NDISSTATQRY? failures
Ben Chan
- [PATCH] huawei: ignore ^DSDORMANT unsolicited messages
Ben Chan
- [PATCH] huawei: ignore ^DSDORMANT unsolicited messages
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH v3] huawei: retry connect/disconnect attempt upon ^NDISSTATQRY? failures
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH] huawei: fix uninitialized variable issues
Ben Chan
- ModemManager create an abnormal CDMA bearer for the LTE modem
Fangxiaozhi (Franko)
- [PATCH] huawei: fix uninitialized variable issues
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH] huawei: fix uninitialized variable issues
Aleksander Morgado
- ModemManager create an abnormal CDMA bearer for the LTE modem
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH] huawei: fix uninitialized variable issues
Ben Chan
- IPv6 with simple-connect
Martin Anderseck
- [HELP] How to submit new modem manager plugin
- [HELP] How to submit new modem manager plugin
Aleksander Morgado
- IPv6 with simple-connect
Aleksander Morgado
- IPv6 with simple-connect
Bjørn Mork
- IPv6 with simple-connect
Martin Anderseck
- IPv6 with simple-connect
Dan Williams
- [RFC] New 'OMA' interface in ModemManager
Aleksander Morgado
- OMA security
Enrico Mioso
- OMA security
Aleksander Morgado
- IPv6 with simple-connect
Martin Anderseck
- IPv6 with simple-connect
Bjørn Mork
- [Patch] MTK plugin for MediaTek devices
- branch reviews: dcbw/06-huawei-iccid and dcbw/huawei-sim-iccid
Dan Williams
- [RFC] New 'OMA' interface in ModemManager
Aleksander Morgado
- branch reviews: dcbw/06-huawei-iccid and dcbw/huawei-sim-iccid
Aleksander Morgado
- branch reviews: dcbw/06-huawei-iccid and dcbw/huawei-sim-iccid
Dan Williams
- [PATCH] mbm: add another H5321gw ID
Bjørn Mork
- [PATCH] mbm: add another H5321gw ID
Aleksander Morgado
- WrongState vs InProgress when enabling a modem
Ben Chan
- WrongState vs InProgress when enabling a modem
Aleksander Morgado
- WrongState vs InProgress when enabling a modem
Ben Chan
- [PATCH] broadband-modem: use InProgress instead of WrongState when appropriate
Ben Chan
- WrongState vs InProgress when enabling a modem
Ben Chan
- [PATCH] broadband-modem: use InProgress instead of WrongState when appropriate
Aleksander Morgado
- WrongState vs InProgress when enabling a modem
Aleksander Morgado
- WrongState vs InProgress when enabling a modem
Ben Chan
- WrongState vs InProgress when enabling a modem
Dan Williams
- [Patch] MTK plugin for MediaTek devices
Dan Williams
- [PATCH] iface-modem: free GError when interface initialization is cancelled
Ben Chan
- [PATCH] iface-modem: free GError when interface initialization is cancelled
Aleksander Morgado
- [Patch] MTK plugin for MediaTek devices
- [Patch] MTK plugin for MediaTek devices
Dan Williams
- [PATCH] huawei: ignore ^CONNECT unsolicited messages
Ben Chan
- [RFC PATCH] huawei: handle disconnection via ^NDISSTAT unsolicited message
Ben Chan
- [PATCH] altair-lte: use mm_base_modem_at_command_full{, _finish} correctly
Ben Chan
- Toggling +CFUN=0/1 upon receiving an unsolicited message
Ben Chan
- Toggling +CFUN=0/1 upon receiving an unsolicited message
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH] huawei: ignore ^CONNECT unsolicited messages
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH] altair-lte: use mm_base_modem_at_command_full{,_finish} correctly
Aleksander Morgado
- [RFC PATCH] huawei: handle disconnection via ^NDISSTAT unsolicited message
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH] iface-modem: fix MODEM_STATE_IS_INTERMEDIATE macro
Ben Chan
- [PATCH c2] huawei: handle disconnection via ^NDISSTAT unsolicited message
Ben Chan
- [RFC PATCH] huawei: handle disconnection via ^NDISSTAT unsolicited message
Ben Chan
- [PATCH] iface-modem: fix MODEM_STATE_IS_INTERMEDIATE macro
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH c2] huawei: handle disconnection via ^NDISSTAT unsolicited message
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH c2] huawei: handle disconnection via ^NDISSTAT unsolicited message
Ben Chan
- [PATCH c2] huawei: handle disconnection via ^NDISSTAT unsolicited message
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH v3] huawei: handle disconnection via ^NDISSTAT unsolicited message
Ben Chan
- [PATCH c2] huawei: handle disconnection via ^NDISSTAT unsolicited message
Ben Chan
- [PATCH v3] huawei: handle disconnection via ^NDISSTAT unsolicited message
Aleksander Morgado
- ModemManager subscription status
Thieu Le
- [PATCH] huawei: delay processing of network initiated bearer disconnection
Prathmesh Prabhu
- ModemManager subscription status
Dan Williams
- Toggling +CFUN=0/1 upon receiving an unsolicited message
Dan Williams
- [PATCH] huawei: delay processing of network initiated bearer disconnection
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH] huawei: delay processing of network initiated bearer disconnection
Ben Chan
- Toggling +CFUN=0/1 upon receiving an unsolicited message
Ben Chan
- [PATCH] huawei: delay processing of network initiated bearer disconnection
Aleksander Morgado
- ModemManager subscription status
Ben Chan
- [PATCH] huawei: delay processing of network initiated bearer disconnection
Ben Chan
- [PATCH] huawei: delay processing of network initiated bearer disconnection
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH v2 1/2] bearer: replace mm_bearer_report_disconnection with mm_bearer_report_status
Ben Chan
- [PATCH v2 2/2] huawei: delay processing of network initiated bearer disconnection
Ben Chan
- [PATCH] huawei: delay processing of network initiated bearer disconnection
Ben Chan
- [PATCH v2 2/2] huawei: delay processing of network initiated bearer disconnection
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH v2 1/2] bearer: replace mm_bearer_report_disconnection with mm_bearer_report_status
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH v2 1/2] bearer: replace mm_bearer_report_disconnection with mm_bearer_report_status
Ben Chan
- [PATCH v2 1/2] bearer: replace mm_bearer_report_disconnection with mm_bearer_report_status
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH v3 1/2] bearer: replace mm_bearer_report_disconnection with mm_bearer_report_connection_status
Ben Chan
- [PATCH v3 2/2] huawei: delay processing of network-initiated disconnection
Ben Chan
- [PATCH v2 1/2] bearer: replace mm_bearer_report_disconnection with mm_bearer_report_status
Ben Chan
- [PATCH v4 1/2] bearer: consolidate unsolicited connection status reports
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH v4 2/2] huawei: delay processing of network-initiated disconnection
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH v2 1/2] bearer: replace mm_bearer_report_disconnection with mm_bearer_report_status
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH v2 1/2] bearer: replace mm_bearer_report_disconnection with mm_bearer_report_status
Ben Chan
- [PATCH v4 1/2] bearer: consolidate unsolicited connection status reports
Ben Chan
- [PATCH v2 1/2] bearer: replace mm_bearer_report_disconnection with mm_bearer_report_status
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH v2 1/2] bearer: replace mm_bearer_report_disconnection with mm_bearer_report_status
Ben Chan
- [PATCH v4 1/2] bearer: consolidate unsolicited connection status reports
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH v2 1/2] bearer: replace mm_bearer_report_disconnection with mm_bearer_report_status
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH v5 1/2] bearer: consolidate unsolicited connection status reports
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH v5 2/2] huawei: delay processing of network-initiated disconnection
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH v5 2/2] huawei: delay processing of network-initiated disconnection
Prathmesh Prabhu Chromium
- [PATCH v5 1/2] bearer: consolidate unsolicited connection status reports
Prathmesh Prabhu Chromium
- [PATCH v5 2/2] huawei: delay processing of network-initiated disconnection
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH v5 2/2] huawei: delay processing of network-initiated disconnection
Ben Chan
- [PATCH v5 2/2] huawei: delay processing of network-initiated disconnection
Aleksander Morgado
- Toggling +CFUN=0/1 upon receiving an unsolicited message
Dan Williams
- [PATCH] huawei: fix ^ICCID parsing
Ben Chan
- [PATCH] huawei: fix ^ICCID parsing
Ben Chan
- [PATCH] huawei: fix ^ICCID parsing
Dan Williams
- [PATCH] huawei: fix ^ICCID parsing
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH] huawei: fix ^ICCID parsing
Ben Chan
- [PATCH] huawei: fix ^ICCID parsing
Dan Williams
- [PATCH] huawei: fix ^ICCID parsing
Ben Chan
- [PATCH] huawei: fix ^ICCID parsing
Ben Chan
- [PATCH] huawei: fix ^ICCID parsing
Dan Williams
- [PATCH] huawei: fix ^ICCID parsing
Ben Chan
- [PATCH] huawei: fix ^ICCID parsing
Dan Williams
- [PATCH] modem-helpers, sim: auto-detect if ICCID response is character swapped
Ben Chan
- [PATCH] modem-helpers, sim: auto-detect if ICCID response is character swapped
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH] modem-helpers,sim: auto-detect if ICCID response is character swapped
Ben Chan
- [PATCH] serial-port: ensure GCancellable handler is disconnected when serial port is closed
Ben Chan
- [PATCH] serial-port: ensure GCancellable handler is disconnected when serial port is closed
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH] cli: fix description of --pin argument in --enable-pin help message
Ben Chan
- [PATCH] cli: fix description of --pin argument in --enable-pin help message
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH] cli: fix description of --pin argument in --enable-pin help message
Ben Chan
- [PATCH] modem-helpers,sim: auto-detect if ICCID response is character swapped
Ben Chan
- [PATCH] cli: fix description of --pin argument in --enable-pin help message
Dan Williams
- [PATCH] modem-helpers,sim: auto-detect if ICCID response is character swapped
Dan Williams
- [PATCH] cli: fix description of --pin argument in --enable-pin help message
Prathmesh Prabhu Chromium
- [PATCH v2] modem-helpers, sim: auto-detect if ICCID response is character swapped
Ben Chan
- [PATCH] modem-helpers,sim: auto-detect if ICCID response is character swapped
Ben Chan
- [PATCH] cli: fix description of --pin argument in --enable-pin help message
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH] cli: fix description of --pin argument in --enable-pin help message
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH v2] modem-helpers,sim: auto-detect if ICCID response is character swapped
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH v2] modem-helpers,sim: auto-detect if ICCID response is character swapped
Dan Williams
- [PATCH] novatel-lte: abort connect request if call failed
Thieu Le
- [PATCH] iface-modem-3gpp: add SubscriptionState property
Thieu Le
- [PATCH] iface-modem-3gpp: add SubscriptionState property
Dan Williams
- [PATCH] iface-modem-3gpp: add SubscriptionState property
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH] iface-modem-3gpp: add SubscriptionState property
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH V5 net-next 0/3] The huawei_cdc_ncm driver
Enrico Mioso
- [PATCH V5 net-next 1/3] net: cdc_ncm: Export cdc_ncm_{tx, rx}_fixup functions for re-use
Enrico Mioso
- [PATCH V5 net-next 2/3] net: huawei_cdc_ncm: Introduce the huawei_cdc_ncm driver
Enrico Mioso
- [PATCH V5 net-next 3/3] net: cdc_ncm: remove non-standard NCM device IDs
Enrico Mioso
- [PATCH] huawei: fix ^ICCID parsing
Enrico Mioso
- distinguishing between huawei qualcomm and non-qualcomm devices
Enrico Mioso
- [PATCH V5 net-next 0/3] The huawei_cdc_ncm driver
Bjørn Mork
- [PATCH V5 net-next 2/3] net: huawei_cdc_ncm: Introduce the huawei_cdc_ncm driver
Oliver Neukum
- [PATCH V5 net-next 0/3] The huawei_cdc_ncm driver
Enrico Mioso
- [PATCH V5 net-next 2/3] net: huawei_cdc_ncm: Introduce the huawei_cdc_ncm driver
Enrico Mioso
- [PATCH] iface-modem-3gpp: add SubscriptionState property
Dan Williams
- [PATCH] iface-modem-3gpp: add SubscriptionState property
Aleksander Morgado
- [PATCH] iface-modem-3gpp: add SubscriptionState property
Thieu Le
- [PATCH] iface-modem-3gpp: add SubscriptionState property
Dan Williams
- [PATCH] iface-modem-3gpp: add SubscriptionState property
Ori Inbar
Last message date:
Mon Sep 30 19:12:56 PDT 2013
Archived on: Mon Sep 30 19:14:52 PDT 2013
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).