[PATCH] port-probe: Increase AT probe command timeout to 7 seconds.

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at aleksander.es
Tue Dec 9 01:28:38 PST 2014

On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 10:54 PM, Roshan Pius <rpius at chromium.org> wrote:
> This patch increases the response timeout for the probe AT commands.
> We've been noticing some modems taking upto 6 seconds to respond to the
> initial probe command after a reset which results in modem-manager timing
> out and sending a second probe command. The modem sends a response
> after about 6 seconds for the initial probe command which modem-manager
> treats as response to second probe command and this results in the
> modem-manager and modem going out of sync because the modem's second probe
> response is treated as response to the next initialization AT command by
> modem-manager.

This patch will affect all modems, not just one. This means that if we
end up probing non-AT ports, we'll move from 9s to 21s just waiting
for a reply that will never come; and 9s is already bad enough...

Could you modify the patch so that it only affects the modem you're
working with, or otherwise at least one single plugin? (i.e. by
setting up custom at probing in the plugin)

> ---
>  src/mm-port-probe.c | 6 +++---
>  1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/src/mm-port-probe.c b/src/mm-port-probe.c
> index 94e7d3b..d9492bf 100644
> --- a/src/mm-port-probe.c
> +++ b/src/mm-port-probe.c
> @@ -970,9 +970,9 @@ serial_probe_at (MMPortProbe *self)
>  }
>  static const MMPortProbeAtCommand at_probing[] = {
> -    { "AT",  3, mm_port_probe_response_processor_is_at },
> -    { "AT",  3, mm_port_probe_response_processor_is_at },
> -    { "AT",  3, mm_port_probe_response_processor_is_at },
> +    { "AT",  7, mm_port_probe_response_processor_is_at },
> +    { "AT",  7, mm_port_probe_response_processor_is_at },
> +    { "AT",  7, mm_port_probe_response_processor_is_at },
>      { NULL }
>  };
> --
> 2.2.0.rc0.207.ga3a616c


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