[PATCH] port-probe: Increase AT probe command timeout to 7 seconds for altair.

Roshan Pius rpius at chromium.org
Tue Dec 9 09:55:56 PST 2014

This patch increases the response timeout for the probe AT commands for
altair modems.

We've been noticing some altair modems taking upto 6 seconds to respond to the
initial probe command after a reset which results in modem-manager
timing out and sending a second probe command. The modem sends a response
after about 6 seconds for the initial probe command which modem-manager
treats as response to second probe command and this results in the
modem-manager and modem going out of sync because the modem's second
probe response is treated as response to the next initialization AT command
sent by modem-manager and so on.

Change-Id: Iad8b0786327b153fd95c8ee4516f352325a42cf7
 plugins/altair/mm-plugin-altair-lte.c | 16 ++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+)

diff --git a/plugins/altair/mm-plugin-altair-lte.c b/plugins/altair/mm-plugin-altair-lte.c
index 1e1ecef..4201548 100644
--- a/plugins/altair/mm-plugin-altair-lte.c
+++ b/plugins/altair/mm-plugin-altair-lte.c
@@ -34,6 +34,21 @@ G_DEFINE_TYPE (MMPluginAltairLte, mm_plugin_altair_lte, MM_TYPE_PLUGIN)
 int mm_plugin_major_version = MM_PLUGIN_MAJOR_VERSION;
 int mm_plugin_minor_version = MM_PLUGIN_MINOR_VERSION;
+/* Custom commands for AT probing */
+/* Increase the response timeout for probe commands since some altair modems
+   take longer to respond after a reset.
+ */
+static const MMPortProbeAtCommand custom_at_probe[] = {
+    { "AT",  7, mm_port_probe_response_processor_is_at },
+    { "AT",  7, mm_port_probe_response_processor_is_at },
+    { "AT",  7, mm_port_probe_response_processor_is_at },
+    { NULL }
 static MMBaseModem *
 create_modem (MMPlugin *self,
               const gchar *sysfs_path,
@@ -65,6 +80,7 @@ mm_plugin_create (void)
                       MM_PLUGIN_NAME,                "Altair LTE",
                       MM_PLUGIN_ALLOWED_SUBSYSTEMS,  subsystems,
                       MM_PLUGIN_ALLOWED_PRODUCT_IDS, products,
+                      MM_PLUGIN_CUSTOM_AT_PROBE,     custom_at_probe,
                       MM_PLUGIN_ALLOWED_SINGLE_AT,   TRUE,
                       MM_PLUGIN_SEND_LF,             TRUE,

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