Request for blacklist addition

Michal Majewicz M.Majewicz at
Thu Jul 2 05:23:51 PDT 2015


The company I work for produces fiscal printers with USB CDC-ACM interface which show up as /dev/ttyACMx.
As they aren't modems probing for QCDM gets in the way.

We kindly request that our VendorId be blacklisted as we do not plan on producing/selling modems with this VendorId.

Here are lines to add to 77-mm-usb-device-blacklist.rules:

# POSNET POLSKA S.A. devices
ATTRS{idVendor}=="1424", ENV{ID_MM_DEVICE_IGNORE}="1"

Additionally, can You point me to proper path to get it backported to ModemManager versions used in stable releases of main Linux distros?

Thank You very much.

MichaƂ Majewicz

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