Use a specific device ?

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at
Fri Jun 5 04:18:30 PDT 2015

On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 12:19 AM, Jean-Christian de Rivaz <jc at> wrote:
> I have a system where the modem have multiple /dev/ttyACMx ports where x is
> not constant because of the dynamic nature of others serial devices.

It may be worth noting that a very similar issue with the one faced
here is the one with network interface names, where interface names
were created as kernel drivers probed the different interfaces, ending
up with "eth0", "eth1" and so on. Then, there would be network
interface configurations for each network interface based on the name,
but no one really ensured that the name was the same upon reboots. The
solution provided by systemd to ensure that the proper configuration
is applied always to the proper interface is to make the device names
"predictable", see:

This solution avoids the need of any other udev rules to e.g. create
network interface names containing the device MAC address or what not.

I'm wondering whether the same could be applied not only to network
interfaces, but also to ttyACMs, ttyUSBs and cdc-wdms, and end up
having predictable tty names like e.g. /dev/ttyACMp0s20u4i0. Sure,
those names are a nightmare to type, but they are predictable (e.g. in
this case by including the physical location of the connector of the


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